Nier Automata 2b

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One thing I will recommend to you if you are interested in an analysis of Nier: Automata is Mr. Clemps' various analysis videos. He does deep dives into the Drakengard/Nier series and he goes into painstaking detail. His humor style isn't for everyone but his breakdowns are the most in-depth story discussion I've seen for almost any game. NieR: Automata – Switching Characters NieR: Automata gives you the opportunity to play as three different characters throughout the course of the story. They are 2B, 9S, and A2.

Read our for more information! To see previous AMAs,. On the side note if you pick up Cruel Blood Oath, a weapon that looks exactly that like the default weapon but colour, its weapon story - reveal after every times you upgrade - isLevel 1I'll never forget the time we met.

I knew ours was a love that would last for eternity.' Level 2But even when by his side, his feelings were a mystery. It was painful not to know what he was thinking. Level 3When I was close, I hurt him. Mario party 10 videos. Yet being distant hurt him more.' Level 4I finally found my place in life. A place where I am as close as possible, yet eternally distant.'

Also, if you play the side quest you will learn about the existence of 2E model or in the quest where you go kill rouge YoRHa, 2B told 9S to not dwell to much and just kill the target. All Cruel/Virtuous weapons aside from spears are connected directly to 2B/9S story in general. Greatswords are interesting because they are swapped, 9S' ones is written from 2B's perspective and 2B's one is written from 9S' perspective and spoils one of the twists of route C. Combat bracers are even more interesting because they tell about the events of route C, and certain someone takes 2B's place in a corresponding weapon story instead, thanks to the obvious reasons.Even the naming scheme of those weapons (which hints at oath/treaty of some kind and that this oath is both cruel and virtuous) is a direct throwback to one of the prequel novels. One more thing.The english version of the ED The Weight of the World isn’t exactly a 1:1 translation of the Japanese version. The English version of this song and the Japanese version have pretty much different content in terms of the lyrics.We're exposed to the English version at the end of route A when we're playing through 2B's perspective. This English version refers to the self as a girl in the chorus: 'I wish that some way, somehow // That I can save everyone of us // But the truth is that I'm only one girl'.

The rest of the lyrics is consistent, I think, with how 2B would feel.Then we hear the Japanese version at the end of route B when we're playing through 9S's perspective. The chorus referes to the self as a boy: 'そう 僕らは今'. In Japanese there are numerous ways to refer to the self, and '僕' (boku) is used almost always by boys, whereas '私' (watashi) is mainly used by girls. I'm with you on this. Granted, I haven't done any extensive research or anything, so if anyone has please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but the first time I read the translated Japanese versions the lyrics immediately suggested fitting 2B's story. Reading it again, there are too many lyrics that seem to fit only 2B's character.Given that, I've always thought the English version of the song as being A2's, and the Chaos Language version being 9S's. Perhaps it's inaccurate to assume that each version of the song is supposed to be attributed to one of the main characters, but given the lyrics and the game as a whole it seems fitting to me.

So that's my personal head canon, at least until someone convinces me otherwise. My personal opinion is that all 3 songs are directly related to 2B herself. One thing I will recommend to you if you are interested in an analysis of Nier: Automata is Mr. Clemps' various analysis videos. And he goes into painstaking detail.

Nier Automata 2b

His humor style isn't for everyone but his breakdowns are the most in-depth story discussion I've seen for almost any game.The first video on Automata isn't actually released yet - it should be coming out later today, covering Route A. He's been putting off making the analysis series because Yoko Taro has a penchant for releasing new info in side stories after release and he wanted to make sure every single thing was covered. Important note: game's actual ending (events after Ending E) is hidden in side material. To be more precise it was performed as a stage play-like thing during the Automata soundtrack live performance.Moreover, there were 2 versions of that stage play.

First one had its script printed with the pamflet of the show and ended a certain way. This version was performed on all the concert days except the last. Naturally, the script was leaked.However, there was also a different version of the play. It ended differently and was performed on the final day of the concert.