Planet Nomads Air Blades

I've gotten building ground vehicles very well, lots of RL knowledge to carry over there, but does anyone have any tips for ai blade? I've also got some specific questions.1. What's the TWR for air blades? Kinda something I think should just be in the game on the tooltip, but still currious.2. Is there a ratio for stabalized to non-stabalized airblade for optimal lift/speed?3.

Is there a specifc set up of the 'wings' (whether they be lines or clusters of air blades) that works best?4. What's the max possible speed, like how land vehicles cap at around 34 MPH, which is around 56 KPH (that cap stated is based off of my experiments and a lot of online research of others' designs)?So far, the TWR seems to be around 10 to 1 (with the air blade at 60 weight) allowing a carry per blade of about 600. I cannot tell the best ratio for stabalization, but my current flier uses 24 total, 8 of which are stabalized and it works okay. The best set up for 'wings' I have found is to simple put them all in a long line as too close causes flipping. And the max speed I can achieve is 50.3 MPH (about 81 KPH). I'm still doing my own testing, but I'd like some info/advice if you have some to share.EDIT: So, I made a fulcrum.

Put a powered and stabalized air blade on one end and an unpowered one (for counter weight) along with armored blocks for weight testing. Now, my findings are assuming the accuracy of the listed weights, but I found 1 air blade lifts about 60 armored blocks (and 1 unpowered airblade). This means 1 air blade can life roughly 1800 weight, giving it a 30:1 TWR, much more than what I expected. Now, of course, this barely gives lift, so you'll need a bit less weight if you want sustainable lift, and the weight you can get lift with will be contingent on the other factors from questions 2 and 3, but this is still solid information.EDIT 2: Using different objects to achieve the same weight gives different (slightly, within around 10-20%) TWR.

So, weights listed on tooltips are not entirely accurate.EDIT 3: THrough further testing with many different forms of weighting and a better designed fulcrum, the TWR seems to be somewhere between 30:1 to 33:1. Not a large enough gap to really change much.

Double-Bladed Knife. The double-bladed knife was a ritual weapon traditionally carried by members of House Catallus dating back to the House's prominence. Since the exile it has become a common weapon of the Nomads and other Outhivers, and a symbol of the Nomads' struggles. The double-blade allows a fighter to parry with it like a sword.

As long as you have at least 1 air blade for 1800 weight, you should at least be able to achieve basic lift. Might not be sustainable, but you'll dust off.

Whow - a really thorough investigation! Great job!What I found out up to now is that in some ways these blades sometimes behave not to calculations. Of course it helps to know about weight of blocks to place the center of mass of an air vehicle and it is also important to know about the blades to weight lifting ratio to get a reasonable basic model that will lift with a decent speed and TWR plays a role too. Zenonia 5 apk download. But even in the theoretical best designed vehicle you might get interesting results. Taking off blades from a final design with a thus fixed weight can make it faster (especially front blades nearly always lower speed whatever the calculations are) or more stable, adding blades can reduce speed and reduce stability although they should add to it.

High placed blades seem to have a different effect in lifting power than low placed blades. Blades seem to interfere with one another in a way I have not yet found out. A seemingly centered vehicle - all calculated - may tip over or swing in an undecent way during acceleration or lifting. Sometimes a shift of the center of mass slightly to the back or the front in stationary testing might produce a more stable performance during flight.Max speed is 72 and might take a longer or shorter time to be achieved depending on model. Models with too many front blades tend to have a max speed of 50 - just taking off the right ones from that model might push max speed instantly up from 50 to 72. Im going to do you a service,1: Art is great when you have the reasources.2: leave it simple.3: make sure your bottom heavy, otherwise you can flip. Its a pain.and Finaly4: My build, a single Nuke Generator using one of the ports Ive found I can attach a block instead of a coveyor, using that I placed a simple strait 'short wall' as its called branched over the generator, starting from the back I place my rotors, 1 block at the front for the blades then I place my containers on the bottom, it goes 31 mph, its a decent flyer with minimal reasources.

@ Darheartwolf2011: Good remark I love minimal resources models too, use them frequently as monument shuttles to my bases - there is not always need for speed and gigantic buildings but for practical survival too@ AzraelSorrowThanks for sharing the link - very interesting discussion - and also for the mentioning of vertically placed air blades - that is really important to know. It is the reason why beautifully and symmetrical designed crafts using this concept are not often shown in flightYou CAN place them vertical one exactly over the other - but with more distance in between them than the possible two blocks. I often work with a concept of combining low and high set blades which makes crafts pretty stable and good risers - but those in between must be left off or placed in a different vertical position.General:This leads me to one thing I forgot to mention - blades do have isolated physics like TWR, but PN physics are so geniously well concepted that they will also interact with the object they are placed on. Overhead blades are good for stabilization - but low set blades better for lifting (same number). Helicopter like designs will work with overhead and middle only - but should be lighter. My Christmas Tree lifts easily with only overhead although it is pretty heavy but when I tried to transport the concept to a very similar model only without the hinges and built more compact with less space between the same number of machines using the same weighting it did not lift off with overhead only. As soon as you get into weight transporting to my experience you often need low placed blades for proper lift off - at least you can get off with less blades than using only overhead (the number of blades supported by one uranium generator is appr.

50 depending on what other machines you have connected - BCP and Old-gamer are experts on those calculations). And of course working with batteries to create small, agile, fast but material sparing and quick to build crafts you will have to use as few blades as possible to achieve your intended result - it is advisable to have two batteries for every blade but arriving at a certain number of blades and batteries (again BCP and Old-gamer checked on that) a generator will be the better option.And it makes a difference if you place blades directly on the ground or one or two blocks higher, what is optimal depends on the model. And back placed blades will contribute to forward speed - like in real life where a jet pushes an aircraft - but too many will destabilize it and/or slow it down again so you need frontal ones to compensate but placed so that they will not reset speed to 50 as mentioned above. Every craft acts different like a living creature.So I very much hope all of you will stay with testing and reporting (if possible with forward speed, lifting speed, weight and blades settings included ) because there is still such a great field to explore in building not only beautifully designed but also really working air-crafts of all kinds!Happy nomading!PN: @ Luminin - I love sharing It helps all of us - although I am now slowly getting an 'old-timer' I have learned a lot from much more experienced nomads in the beginning and am still learning from them! And to be fair - although I am the main tester and usually the one to write the posts oh016 is a team of two players and my gaming partner just spent 3 days on air-craft building with some very good and some very weird results. Only Planet Travels Ltd. Is my baby alone, all other stuff is combining observations and experiences from two gamers.

@ AzraelS - Well to be very honest, the physics of the game still need tweeking, so placement of the lower blades isnt really able to help with lift, the Lift and Thust vairiable that is part of rotor craft ie: Helicopters and the such, doesnt seem to be exsisting so far.Ive Practiced with different builds. From little to gigantic (1600 blades).Ive found that lift isnt affected, how heavy you are though plays a huge part.My little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ off wasp I call it, only has 4 air blades and enough batts for it to get 1hr flight time, but it goes over 40 mph, I have yet to break that speed especially considering that my planet has to catch up to me once I get to the ground.I found a glitch with that btw. Without realizing it I flew so fast that I litteraly flew right above the water table, through multiple mountains, once I stoped the planet caught up and spit me out. The playroom trailer.