Port Royale 2 Reloaded

Strategy and Tactics2.1. Naval Combat2.1.1. Attacking Towns2.2.1. Attacking by Sea2.2.3.

Port Royale is a Patrician clone, emphasizing trading and maritime affairs. There's also Tropico 2: Pirate Cove which might offer an experience for you. Button but the enemy ships got most of mine and I had to reload. 1) Select a file to send by clicking the 'Browse' button. You can then select photos, audio, video, documents or anything else you want to send. The maximum file size is 500 MB. 2) Click the 'Start Upload' button to start uploading the file. You will see the progress of the file transfer.

Attacking by Land2.3. Attacking Pirate Hideouts2.4. 'War and Empire' Walk-through3.1. Frequently Asked QuestionsV.

Goods Types5.2. List of Towns5.3.3. Economic Status5.3.4. Event Status5.3.5. Storage Limits5.4. Businesses and Buildings5.5.

Bonus Ships5.8. Player Ranks5.9. Contents.Strategy and Tactics Naval Combat The best ships to use are Military Corvettes and Bonus Ships. The reason is speed: you will often fight several powerful ships with just one ship, so you'll need to stay ahead of them if you want to win. Ships of the Line are sometimes useful because they can hold 200 sailors and are fast going with the wind.

Military Frigates are nearly as fast as Military Corvettes, but they're tougher and better against slow ships. You should stick mostly with Military Corvettes, though.Your convoys should have 1-5 escort ships. If you're using them to attack military convoys, avoid adding non-escort ships because you will lose those if you lose a battle. An all-Military Corvette convoy works well because it travels as fast as any other convoy on the Caribbean map and can therefore chase down other convoys. They can also execute hit-and-run attacks because they're fast enough to escape. With some practice, you may be able to destroy military convoys without taking any damage.One vs.

One RocksIf your opponent's ship has a medium or deep draft, you can try to lead them over rocks so that they slow down.' Crossing the T'If your opponent is headed directly toward your ship, and your ship is traveling in a perpendicular direction, your cannons on one side of your ship are in a position to hit your opponent while your opponent's cannons can't do anything.

Take advantage of this situation by firing and turning away. This tactic is useful at the start of battles when you and your opponent approach each other.' Fish-tailing' or 'Leading'This is essentially a series of 'Crossing the Ts' strung together. If your opponent is following about a ship's length (e.g. A Ship of the Line) behind and traveling in a parallel direction, turn to your ship's right until the angle between your ships is about 90 degrees. Fire and turn left until your ships are parallel again. Your ship will be positioned a bit to the right of your opponent, or left if you had turned left initially.

Now turn left until you see the red crosshairs. You might only need a 45 degree angle for this. Fire and turn right until your ships are parallel again. Repeat as long as you can maintain enough distance to avoid your opponent's fire. If your opponent is as fast as or faster than you, use the wind to your advantage if possible or use chain balls to slow your opponent down.

Since your opponent is following you, you have a greater effective range, so you can be fairly close without being hit.ChasingIf you understand Fish-tailing, this will be simple. If your opponent is fleeing, and your ship is faster, follow it and use Fish-tailing attacks from behind. You may want to use chain balls to slow your opponent down. Avoid pulling up alongside your opponent because it can still fire. If your ship is much faster than your opponent, use Fish-tailing to avoid getting too close.CirclingIf your opponent is more cautious, as often happens in one vs. One battles, it will not approach your ship closely enough for either the Crossing the T or Fish-tailing to work.

Your opponent will usually only approach your ship if it can fire on you, but its maneuvering isn't perfect. Speed is an advantage here. Make sure your opponent is somewhere near you. Turn so that your ship is moving in a direction opposite your opponent's direction, but keep your opponent on your side. Stay as close as possible without causing your opponent to fire. What happens now is that you and your opponent will start to circle each other.

You both want to stay somewhat close to each other, so you will turn toward each other instead of moving away. You both also want to avoid being hit, so you won't turn straight into each other.

Continue turning while staying close but not too close. When the angle between your ship's direction and the wind's direction is 90 degrees and decreasing, startturning directly toward your opponent. As soon as your opponent fires, turn away slightly, but only enough to avoid the cannon balls. Turn toward your opponent again, and move only as close as necessary. Fire at your opponent, then turn away and avoid your opponent's next shots.CapturingIf you want to capture your opponent's ship, start by using chain balls to slow it down. Then rake it with grape shot to kill off its sailors. Finally, board it while avoiding its cannon balls.

If your opponent is running away by now, boarding should be easy. If it is still following you closely, sail against the wind, then turn around and ram your opponent head-on.One vs. Many - ManeuveringSince your opponent has more ships than you do, it will be less cautious and will send its ships directly at you.Use Fish-tailing/Leading here. Use the wind to your advantage. If you're using a Military Corvette, you usuallywant to move in the same direction as the wind. If you're fighting Ships of the Line, you should try to moveagainst the wind. You want to do as much damage as possible with each of your ships, so you will want to stay onthe map as long as possible.

Move toward the edge of the map but position your ship so it's parallel to theedge. Before you reach the corner, turn so that you are moving parallel to the edge you're now heading toward.Avoid your opponent's fire. If you can't avoid it, you might want to have your ship escape.

Sometimes yourstarting position will place you at a disadvantage with respect to the wind. For example, your ship starts inthe West, you're facing Ships of the Line in the East, and the wind is blowing West. You might have to travelwith the wind, in which case your opponent's Ships of the Line will be as fast or faster than your ships. Inthis situation, use your first ship to draw your opponent to the West, then sail off the edge. Bring in a secondship, which should be somewhere East of your opponent. If your second ship pops up North or South of youropponent, move it toward the East.

Now you're both traveling against the wind, so that, at least in thisexample, you have a speed advantage. Use Fish-tailing/Leading until you sink your opponent or until you run outof room.- 'Group Fish-tailing'A minor variation on Fish-tailing. If a group of ships are following you, you can alternate between targets. Turnto one side, fire at one ship, then turn toward the other side and fire at any ship that you can hit, whichwill probably be a different one. If your opponent's ships are close together, the ones in the middle won't beable to turn.

You can approach these fairly closely without being hit.- 'Obstacle Course'If your opponent is maneuvering cautiously and refuses to approach your ship too closely, or if your opponent istoo fast, you can use obstacles. This can happen if your opponent has only one ship left or if you're trying toboard a faster ship. By 'obstacles,' I mean other, captured ships. They can be either yours or your opponent's.Try to position these captured ships close to each other by initially capturing your opponent's ships near eachother, by letting your ships become captured near each other, or by pushing them toward each other. Leave somespace, which I'll call the 'trap,' between the captured ships. Attempt to position yourself on the opposite sideof the trap.

Move away from your opponent so that it will move into the trap to reach you. Now your opponentwill be unable to turn for a few seconds.

Move toward the trap and fire at your opponent or board it.- 'Shielding'Another use of obstacles. Captured ships can block cannon balls, so use these to shield yourself if necessary.- Hit-and-runIf your opponent's ships are close behind and you're running out of room, you might have to escape. If you onlyhave fast escort ships in your convoy, e.g. 5 Military Corvettes, you can afford to run because you won't loseanything. Once you're out of the battle, launch another attack on the same convoy. Repeat until your target isgone.

Tome immortal arena play. You should be able to destroy military convoys while taking minimal damage using this method.Attacking Towns You can attack towns to annex them or loot them. You'll need a mission to be able to annex it, and there are sometown looting missions that yield extra rewards in addition to the normal looting gains. Here's the basic process:.

Choose a convoy with escort ships. Check the 'Attack towns' option under 'Attack mode,' then have it enter thetown you want to attack. Choose whether you want to attack by sea or by land. Either way, you'll have to get past the military convoys defending the harbor. If you're attacking by sea, you'll have to destroy the harbor cannons. If you're attacking by land, you'll have to break through the town gates.

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You might have to win a duel. If you have an annexation mission, you'll get a choice between 'Annex' and 'Loot.' . Choosing 'Annex' completes the attack and your mission. If you choose 'Loot,' you can take the town's goods and weapons. You'll also get a few hundred thousand gold.After the attack, the town will have a status of 'Recovery.' It can't be attacked for another 30 days.Before you can attack the town by either land or sea, you'll have to defeat the military convoys guarding theharbor.

You can destroy them the way you normally would, but there's an easier method. Military convoys that aresomewhat damaged will stop defending so that they can repair themselves. Send in a convoy with fast escortships, preferably one with only Military Corvettes or Bonus Ships. Attack and do a bit of damage to them, thenrun away. If you have to fight more military convoys, repeat the last step. Now that the harbor is open, youcan proceed with your attack.Attacking by Sea You'll have to destroy 1-10 harbor cannons.

These have a stability of 7, so they'll require 2-3 broadsides each.They're usually arranged in two tightly grouped rows jutting out from either side of the beach. You have todestroy every cannon, and if you call off the attack, the remaining ones will be repaired instantly. The townwill also start constructing replacement cannons immediately, but you don't have to worry about those becausethey'll take weeks to complete.- Hit-and-runYou should have a fast and agile ship for this tactic-a Military Corvette, not surprisingly.

Different harborsare arranged differently, but assume that the beach and the cannons are in the South and your ships enter fromthe North. Wait until the wind is blowing roughly east or west. If the wind is blowing east, northeast, orsoutheast, approach the western row of cannons from the Northwest. You'll want to move in a direction somewherebetween east and southeast. Sail directly toward the outermost cannon. As soon as the cannon fires, turn towardthe East. Continue moving east for about a second if you need to get into range.

Now turn north. Wait for thered cross-hairs to appear, then fire after about half a second. Avoid the second volley from the cannons.Circle around toward the West and repeat. Use a similar method for the eastern group of cannons. Ideally, you'llbe able to destroy every cannon without taking any damage.

With some practice, 1-2 Military Corvettes will beenough to take out 10 cannons.- Brute forceSometimes you'll find that a town only has a couple of cannons and that the wind is preventing you from usingevasive tactics. If you don't want to spend much time on the cannons and don't particularly care about how muchdamage you take, you can simply go up to them and fire.

Ships of the Line are the best ships to use with thismethod because they have the highest stability and the most cannons.You don't lose anything if you run away from the harbor cannons battle. You only need to send your first ship offthe map and wait a few seconds. The entire convoy will escape unharmed.Attacking by Land When you attack by land, your sailors land on the beach and become soldiers. If you want as many soldiers aspossible, attack using a convoy with 10 Ships of the Line.

Each one holds 200, for a total of 2,000 soldiers.The town will have two sets of gates, each one guarded by approximately half of the town's soldiers. You need todestroy one of them. You don't have to kill any defenders, but your soldiers will usually attack them instead ofthe gates if they're close. Note that you need 1 musket or cutlass for every soldier you plan to send in.Also, if your soldiers are killed, you lose their weapons.Immediately after your attack, some of the killed defenders will be replaced.- Brute forceThis is the fast but costly method. If you have a lot more soldiers than the town, you don't need good tactics towin.

The default split between swordsmen and musketeers, 50/50, works well here. Select all of your soldiersand double-right-click on the nearest gate. Then fast-forward until you win.- AmbushA minor tactic that gives you a small advantage.


Hide your soldiers in trees close to a gate. Then double-right-click on a gate or on defenders to rush in and attack.- Hiding in treesYou can hide your musketeers in trees near a gate.

They will be able to attack, but they'll take less damagedwhen they're attacked by defending musketeers.- Guerilla strategyYou want to use this strategy if you want to avoid losing soldiers and weapons or if you're outnumbered. Thisstrategy won't work if you're too far outnumbered, though. The key point here is that the defenders will try toprotect both gates as well as they can. They can see your soldiers if they're about 2-3 building-lengths awayfrom either gate. They will attempt to balance their soldiers between the two gates based on what attackers they see.Put all but one of your units outside one gate.

These will be the 'threatening force.' Make sure that all ofthese are close enough to be visible but not close enough to start a fight. Some defenders should start movingtoward this gate from the other one. Move your one unit, your 'attacking force,' toward the other gate, butdon't bring it close enough for them to see it. Approach by moving through trees if possible.

The best outcomeis an undefended gate in front of your attacking force. Select your attacking force and double-right-click onthe gate to attack quickly. Some defenders will start moving toward your attacking force. Have it retreat beforedefenders arrive. The defenders will move back to the other gate. Attack and retreat repeatedly until the gateis destroyed. As long as the town doesn't have too many more soldiers than you do, you should be able to do thiswithout any losses.If the town has fewer soldiers than you do, you can shift some units from your threatening force to yourattacking force.

This makes things a little faster. If you have about twice as many soldiers as the town does,you can split your force in half and attack both gates. When the town's soldiers all move toward one gate, haveyour soldiers retreat from that one, then attack as they move back toward the other gate, and repeat. The town'ssoldiers may also get stuck between the two gates as they try to pass each other. In this case, you may notneed to retreat at all.Attacking Pirate Hideouts Destroying pirate hideouts requires winning duels. Each duel you win makes future duels harder, so I'd recommendagainst wasting your easy duels on pirates. If you still want to attack hideouts, here's how to do it.Before you can attack hideouts, you have to find them.

Thera are up to 5 hideouts at any one time and about twiceas many possible locations. If you wait a while, the hideouts will be revealed automatically.

They will appearas black dots on the mini-map. You can find a list of pirates in Chronicle - List of known pirates.Locations:. West of New Orleans. Between Vera Cruz and Villa Hermosa. Slightly northeast of Grand Bahama. Slightly Southeast of Port of Spain.

Slightly south of Havana. Southeast of Roatan. Between Guadeloupe and Martinique.

othersAttacking pirate hideouts is almost the same as attacking a town by sea. To attack a hideout, select a convoywith escort ships and right-click on a hideout. You don't need to check 'Attack towns' since you aren't going todock in the hideout.If there are any defending pirate convoys, you will have to defeat those. You can't see what types of ships arein them until you start a battle, but you can left-click on a hideout to see how many of them there are. Ifthere are multiple defending convoys, you will have to defeat each one in turn.

You don't need to sink any ofthem-forcing them to retreat is enough.Unlike military convoys in towns, pirate convoys in hideouts are always repairing and always defending. You can'tput them out of commission by doing a small amount of damage and running away.Pirate convoys can also immediately and fully replace their sailors between battles.After you get through the defending convoys, you have to deal with harbor cannons. Hideouts have up to 10cannons.

You can see how many they have by left-clicking on them.Harbor cannons in hideouts are usually arranged in patterns resembling triangles or semi-circles. They are morespread out than they are in towns, so they should be easier to deal with. If you retreat from this part of theattack, any cannons that were damaged but not destroyed will be instantly and fully repaired.If you retreat from the attack on the cannons, you won't lose any ships (unless some have already sunk). Youdon't need to command each ship to retreat, either.

Just have your current ship do so and wait a few seconds.Your convoy will appear outside the hideout.When you're done with the cannons, you will have to win a duel. This duel is the same as any other duel.

See the'Duels' section for more information.If you lose the duel, your convoy will retreat. The hideout will have 1 cannon and will attempt to constructmore.If you win the duel, the hideout is destroyed. Your relationship with all nations will improve and you will lootsome money from the hideout. The amount of money you receive depends on the strength of the pirate.

A 10-cannonhideout that's been around for a while might yield a few million gold. A new hideout that has 1 cannon mightyield 200K gold.After some time, another pirate and another hideout will appear somewhere in the Caribbean, but you'll have a fewmonths of peace before that.If the pirate had any convoys when you destroyed the hideout, you will receive a message informing you that someships escaped and may set up a new hideout. This doesn't mean much because new hideouts will appear anyway. Theonly difference is that the pirate will have the same name.Duels If you're attacking a colonial town, you will usually need to win a duel.

If you're attacking a governor orviceroy town or a pirate hideout, you will always have to win a duel. You will also need to defeat a buccaneerin a duel if you want to take him hostage.Your attacks are more likely to succeed if they are varied.

You can throw in extra attacks if you attack againjust before your captain goes back to into a standing stance. Try to keep up a string of these so that youropponent doesn't have a chance to respond.Every time you win a duel, your future duels become harder.Buccaneers Basics:. Each nation has at most 1 buccaneer at any one time. A buccaneer can spawn when a nation enters a war.