Vrc Pro Rc Car Racing Simulator

IMPORTANT: The e-mail address and password is used to login to the VRC Pro websiteand for your user account in the VRC pro sim game. To protect your VRC Pro accountand the valuable assets in it like tracks, components, veuros and vmiles and racing status,we recommend to use a password with minimum 8 characters and use at least 1 number and character.VRC Pro is a 'real people' project.

By playing endless dancing music game as a fingerplay snake game you make make the geometry line rolling but never smash. Welcome to the Beat Dot: Dancing Ball Music Line the new music rhythm game. The rhythm of the melody is key to everything that happens in the game.Come on, control your line, dot and beat dancing like a snake! Dancing line music game. Featuring a distinctive soundtrack EDM, and design, each level is a unique musical journey and challenge!To anticipate what’s coming next and be able to react to its twist and turns you have to listen carefully to the music.


Off Topic Forum - Cars, Trucks, Buggies and more - VRC PRO rc racing simulator. In just a couple of minutes you will have access to the world's best r/c racing simulator and online community. We are so convinced you will like VRC Pro that if you don't like it you simply get your money back, no questions asked.

You must therefore register with your REAL first and last name.The VRC organization uses payment information to check your name and maintains the right to inactivateaccounts which are using incorrect names, at its own discretion. Your VRC Pro account is strictlypersonal and cannot be transferred to another person. Your name can therefore NOT be changed.E-mail addressPlease specify email. Must use a valid email address.Confirm emailEmail does not match Please confirm email.NOTE: due to game client limitations, country specific characters may not work.Please use characters from US ASCII character set for your password only.The maximum password length is 20 chars.PasswordPlease specify password.Confirm passwordPassword does not match Please confirm password.First NamePlease specify first name.

Please enter correct nameLast/Family NamePlease specify last name. Please enter correct nameNation. © 2015 Virtual Racing Industries Bv. PO Box 165, 2100 AD Heemstede, Netherlands – All rights reserved –All logos are trademarks of their respective companies and may not be used without their express permission.Manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/orcopyrighted materials of their prospective owners.

All rights reserved. Any depiction or recreation of real world locations,businesses, entities or organizations is not intended to be or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of this game by such party or parties.

Dear valued existing and new VRC members,COVID-19We are now 3 weeks into the global covid-19 or corona crisis. It has taken the world by surprise, and the sudden surge in new VRC members and online activity taken me by surprise. I only wished it would have been under more positive circumstances that r/c racers from around the world found their ways to VRC. I am pleased and even flattered that VRC now serves as an alternative for real r/c racing and can only hope that many racers will disco. The email notification system which sends around notifications for events, forum posts but also support requests for password resets, account activation and genereral support questions to VRC (me mainly) has stopped working since last Wednesday. That means that I am not informed about any issues being raised through this system as the emails simply don't arrive in my mailbox.

This is the first time this has happened in 9 years. Seems like we are hit by our own 'corona' virus.Pls. PRO klasseDeze klasse werd overtuigend gewonnen door Julius Kolff met 3 overwinningen uit 3. Na de eerste wedstrijd met slechts 0.5 sec te hebben gewonnen was Race 2 op Carpet-2 opnieuw een strijd tussen Kolff en Wathlet, die weer in het voordeel van Julius, maar nu met 1 sec. Voorsprong werd beslist.De 3de en laatste wedstrijd van de Cup was op het thuiscircuit van Julius, en hier was de marge opgelopen tot 8 sec. Francis Wathlet legde beslag op de 2de plaats in de Cup, Arjan van de. TopicCategoryDateAuthorPostsViewsRatingGeneraltoday 06:03Francesco M05Car setuptoday 03:56Juan Miguel Sanchez Delgado162Softwareyesterday 22:31Dave D2298Car setupyesterday 14:07Dave D057Car setupyesterday 13:30Juan Guillermo C.046Car setup 02:29Hunter K0106Car setup 22:03Tom Rinderknecht057Car setup 19:58Nicolas R097Car setup 23:56Luis Moreno Eugenio076Car setup 16:44Pedro Jose L2845.

© 2019 Virtual Racing Industries Bv. PO Box 165, 2100 AD Heemstede, Netherlands – All rights reserved –All logos are trademarks of their respective companies and may not be used without their express permission.Manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/orcopyrighted materials of their prospective owners. All rights reserved. Any depiction or recreation of real world locations,businesses, entities or organizations is not intended to be or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of this game by such party or parties.