Purchase method:World war rising how to complete it in less than 30 minutes buy a hero pack $4.99and use the hero xp u should have 22-25k power by then then go to command center and follow all the steps to get your command center to level 10 do not use gold to speed up anything then upgrade research facility go to missile research and do it until u have 50k power if u need extra resources the gold is what u use. Best adventure short stories.
I managed to do this in 3 days; this is a pretty much reskinned version of final fantasy, vikings. For other people who found this thread while googling how to do this, it's fairly easy and I did it in 3 days. Your main goals are lvl 11 command center, lvl 10 research facility and a crap ton of resources.First of all day 1, focus on upgrading your resource collectors and try to get the 25% resource boosts, upgrade your base (following the tutorial) up to a point as these upgrades will be needed later. Don't use too much of your gold/speedups, but don't try to save them either. You can start researching missile upgrades, but researching resource boosters (in economics) is helpful too. For resource collectors, build about 3-4 lumber/food then the rest stone/metal. Building 10 of each resource collector will also get you a 'quest' complete for additional resources.
(don't forgot power generators). Personally I had about 15k power by the end of the day.Make sure you get the free crate (the floating crate on the ground), the vip crate (left of power amount), the free crates that appear ever 5-10 minutes, to farm gold and join a decent alliance (you can look at the leaderboards to find a good one).Day 2. After you leave them overnight, start spam upgrading your resource collectors, use your loyalty to buy more 25% resource boosters and just upgrade command center and do more research.

After you get the 7500k power missile upgrade you need to reach 40k power so upgrade resources collectors/other buildings.Day 3. By now you should be able to have a lvl 10 research and up to the 500,000 resource each missile upgrade. Start demolishing your quarry/iron mines because your base will need to be able to hold 500k of each resource (you can check by tapping the collectors). Now once you have 500k capacity for each resource (and upgrade them all to hit 40k power again) use all the gold you have to get resources and afk till you have 500k of each, then use all the rest of your speedups to hit 50k power.The entire time make sure you keep on doing quests, farming loyalty/gold (from alliance events), have 25% resource boosters on, and try to join alliances with whales in them.
Keep out of the global chat as everyone is toxic whales and you should be able to complete this in about 3-5 days. I started this offer only because I read this comment. I still took about 6 days to complete it though. I followed everything you mentioned in this and upgraded only the necessary things. Maybe I didn't upgrade my resource collectors that much as my highest resource collector level was 10 (Not all of them were even up to 10). I was only able to get to 15k power on the third day and got to 40k power on the 5th day.Anyway, I only upgraded the command center until level 11 as that's all I needed to get to 50k power. After that, I just focused on getting my resource collectors to have at least 500k base capacity.
The 2 researches at level 11 need 500k and 750k each of every resource. I didn't upgrade them to get to 750k base capacity as that needed a lot of materials for the upgrade and I decided to get it up to 750k using gold and other material bonuses I had collected until then (after reaching 500k as using bonuses will let you go above the base capacity).I did a lot of hero missions which are available every 5 hours or so and they usually gave me about 3k resources for every 5 minute mission and higher for longer ones. Joining an alliance is also very helpful. The one I joined was really good and they won several events which gave me a lot of resource boosters and gold which helped me get to the 750k point.Hope this helps anyone who is looking to complete this offer. It will take at least a week to do this. I did spend all day in the game to get it done in 6 days. Iron marines game. Good luck!.