An old project that i finished recently enjoy the map. Free to use DON T CLAIM THE MAP AS YOURS Download map now! The Minecraft Map, Need to Migrate FREE DOWNLOAD, was posted by Spazzolino. Eternal Land. Minecraft Map. 5 diamonds 410 views 0 downloads 0 comments 0 favorited. Posted by Spazzolino.
SPECIAL DAY ALERTDay of the printGame Seridia MapsUse of the following maps is at your OWN risk.Any and all problems that result are NOT to be taken to the Eternal Lands staff.Any such attempt at reporting problems based on the use of the maps listed below, causing Eternal Lands staff to waste their time, will be ignored and could result in suspension of game play.Map #Main MapSub Map413151152Today's Visitor: 348Site by Ghrae, Graphics by Leahatwood, Apparition & PhenicAll Rights Reserved, Copyright 2005 ©.
Contents.Haidir's daily fighting quest. Talk to Haidir in Tirnwood Vale in White Stone 380,311. He will send you to another NPC, who will tell you what you need to kill.
Ways of killing that work: Melee weapon, item while in combat, spell while in combat, ranged weapon. Hatred synonym. Ways of killing that don't work: Spell while not in combat or somebody else in combat. When you've killed enough of them, you will get a message telling so.
Then return to the NPC that told you what you needed to kill. (not to Haidir!)Daritha's daily equipment quest.Talk to Daritha in Tarsengaard barracks entered from 177,189 and she will ask you to bring her certain pieces of armor or weapons for the reward.Xaquelina's daily harvesting quest. Talk to Xaquelina in Portland, at the docks. She will tell you what you need to harvest. Note:the amount is amount of harvests, not amount of the item, so if youwear excavator cloak you'll have to harvest twice the amount.Minel's daily engineering quest. Talk to Minel in Nordcarnin a house entered at 142,69.