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Grandia - WalkthroughSite NavigationShrine Navigation Walkthrough' If that crater erupts, we'll allbe sacrificed! No, more like sacri-fried. 'The walkthrough is written by both Zenodeusand I. Zero gave his walkthrough on the three secret dongeons.Disc 1 / /ParmRecommended Level: 2Items: 100 GP, Poison Antidote, First Aid KitAfter the CG/anime intro and the voice actedconversations, talk to Gantz (the center boy) to get yourmission: to find the remaining three pieces of the LegendaryArmor. You can talk to him to get clues where they are. Firstup, the Shield of Light. Go to the port and look behind awarehouse to find a 'Pot Lid'.
Next, get the Warrior'sHelmet by going down a set of steps beside the river in thetown. The 'Battered Pot' is by the wall on the otherside. Take them back to Gantz. He smugly says the Spirit Swordis in a locked chest in his house. Head there (it's in thecenter of town) and talk to his mother who says his littlebrother Tentz has the key.
Talk to Tentz in the village. Thelittle bugger lost the key by the Cafe. Simply go there (shouldbe right behind him). You'll know if you're in the right placeif Justin and Sue start crawling. Look right by the waterand the key will be yours. Go back to the house and open thechest to get your reward. Go back to Gantz to brag.
Uh-oh,they're in trouble and you don't want to be. Walk around theboys and get caught. Inside the Seagull Tavern, talk to Lillytwice and have dinner. Talk to Lilly during the eating a fewtimes to hear a cool pirate story.
When you're through, selectJustin.You can talk to Lilly the next morning to saveyour game. Search Justin's room for some good items and money.Leave the Tavern and stock up as well as you can at the GeneralStore. There's a little side quest you can do now. Talk toMaria and find her pin, located by the Museum.
You don't geta reward, but it's a good time-waster anyways. Go inside theMuseum and talk to the curator in the Exhibit Hall. Investigatethe statue and break it.
Go in the curator's office and choosethe second choice when prompted (no matter what, you'll haveto admit fault). Proceed to leave town.Marna Sand RoadRecommended Level: 2Items: 3 Gold Pouches, BatonA simple straightforward dungeon awaits you.This is a perfect chance to get become a pro at the battlesystem since the enemies are weak and a recover point is atthe entrance. When you want to leave, either follow the roador follow the compass north.A Sea of SultRecommended Level: 3Items: 5 Gold Pouches, Shin Shoe, Rune Ring, Rock AxEnter and talk to the guard at the gate. Theletter is shown and he lets you in. Walk around a little bit,listen to some of the bad things about Baal's army, and goto the north tunnel (looks like an open mouth) to continueyour 'investigation'. The three witches stop you.Choose the third option to show them the letter.
Save andgo inside.Room B1 Head north to hear the troops being given orders andsee others that are spying. When you come to a split path,east is the way to go. Listen to the witches then two groupsof guards to the south. Head east, north and use the save/recoverpoint. Go north yet again.Room B2 Follow the compass around and go around the boulders.The path is easy to see and shouldn't need an explanation.Go in the ruins. Ancient Passageway Flip the switches on eitherside of the hallways until a door appears that you can walkthrough. Go into the north door.Room of Illusions Walk north to the center of the room.
Whenyou hear the spooky voice go north yet again. Liete appearsand gives an in-depth explanation about the past of the worldof Grandia. A new quest is revealed: head for Alent to findthe answers. Come back out of the room. Mullen catchesyou trying to escape.
Pick any answers you want to give himabout what you were doing in the ruins. After he's trapped,head out of the ruins. A statue has mysteriously come to lifeand has its beak ready for a Justin and Sue sandwich. Timefor the first boss fight. Prepare!-BOSS: ROCKBIRDHP:??? (I forgot to check but it's around 300 I think)STRATEGY: Use the almighty Critical attack to knock this featheredfiend back on the IP gauge. If timed right, he won't evenbe able to attack.-With that turkey out of the way, you're automatically placedat the beginning of the tunnel.
Leave the military camp andgo back to Parm.ParmRecommended Level: 4Items: noneFirst, head to the General Store and buy somenew armor if you didn't before. You might not need new weapons,but buy them if you have a lot of extra gold. Time to visityour mother, as Sue gives you a not-so- subtle hint when youenter Parm. Do just that and have some dinner.
Talk to Lillyand Sue like normal until you're told to head for the Portto get your answers. Go there afterwards and talk to the menuntil you find out about Java the adventurer who should havea pass to the New World. His whereabouts are rumored to bethe Cafe, so that's your next stop. Talk to the lady standingin front. Time to find the key to the place. Go back to thePort and talk to more of the men to get the key. Back to theCafe.
Talk to the girl again to give it to her. Watch thelittle cut-scene with Baal and Mullen.
That guy reminds meof Lotor from Voltron for some reason. Anyways, go insidethe Cafe at night. Talk to the man in back to find out whereJava's at, then the Cafe owner to get Java's wallet, the baitto get him to talk to you.
Head back to the Seagull Tavernand have some grub with Lilly. It's daytime after the conversation.Head to Parm Station (located in the southernmost part oftown) and talk to the man in front of the gate. He'll letyou. Go up the stairs and hop aboard the train.MinesRecommended Level: 4Items: 12 Money Pouches, 2 Grenade, Workcloth, Herbs, DefSeed, Wound Sal, Ok Shield, Mi Hammer, Hand AxWhen the train lets you off in the field, goto the southwest part of the area to find Java's shack.
Enterit and get caught 'stealing'. After a conversationabout adventurers, Java offers the Steamer Pass in exchangefor the clearing out of a dungeon in his backyard, the LeckMines. Go to the west part of the area to find the mine entrancewhich is now open. Talk to Java if you want to rest or save.Enter the mines.
Room 1 Follow the left train track all theway until you reach the next room. Room 2 Follow the righttrain track. When you get to a bridge, you can fall off ofit to get a Hand Ax below.
If you want to climb up (you'llhave to if you want to move on in the game), press the X buttonby the wire hanging down and up on the D-pad to climb up.Cross the bridge and continue following that track. When thatends, take the one next to it, and so on until you see thesave point.
Go into the next room. Deepest Depths Get allthe money scattered around and go up onto the pedestal withthe orcs. Boss fight!-BOSS: ORC KING, 2 ORCSHP: 385, 70, 70STRATEGY: Kill the two orcs first with combos: you don't needthem knocking you back on the IP gauge and doing damage. Whenyou're left alone with the king, use Sue's Pufy Kick attackand Justin's V-slash. Finish the bruiser up with Criticals.-The roof starts collapsing.
Come out of the room and watchthe cart scene with Java. After all that, he gives you theSteamer Pass and fills you in that adventurers have to bealone (no Sue).ParmRecommended Level: 5Items: noneGet off the train, leave the station. Justintells Sue he has to go alone and she runs off, coming backto kick him in the shin. Go to the Seagull Tavern and talkto Lilly.
End the dinner after talking to her at the tablea few times. The next morning, go downstairs and watch asJustin vows to become a better adventurer than any of hisrelatives. Go to the port and talk to the guard that alwaysblocked your way before. With reluctance, he lets you by andyou're free to mingle with the travelers and sailors. Whenyou're ready to leave, walk on the pier and talk to the ticket-takerright in front of the ship's entrance.
Justin reads the mysteryletter and goes inside.SteamerRecommended Level: 6Items: noneGo below deck by entering the door right besidethe bridge. Take the right entrance and you'll be in SteamerPassageway 2.
Explore the rooms within and talk to a few people.Go back to Steamer Passageway 1 and something that looks awfullysimilar to Pooey will run away from the room. Upon deck, you'll find the mystery stowaway. Talk to her twiceand to the captain twice choosing the second choice.
Afterbeing 'freed' the friends get a job they didn'twant. When they wake up, talk to the first man you see toget a Cabin Key. He'll let you save the game as well. Go upstairsand talk to the first sailor. Choose the first responses andreceive a Beef Jerky for your trouble. Go to Steamer Passageway1 then into the second 1st Class room. Talk to the lady andpress X to clean the bathtub.
A pitiful reward is yours, butit was worth it for the experience of being a janitor, eh?Head to the lounge and talk to the gambler for a game of chance.I picked tails and got a 100G reward but it might be a randomguess. Up to the deck for your real work duties. Talk to theman and find out your 'mission': to scrub the deck.I don't think there's a way to perform to his standards, butif you really want to know how, listen to his instructions.Go back to the sailor's quarters and speak to the man to rest.The next day, scrub again and rest.
Then back to the deckyet again. Walk to the front of the ship and watch the sequenceintroducing Feena.
Listen to all three choices about Feena'slife. The sky becomes overcast. Go inside the bridge and talkto Feena. Leave it and return to the front of the ship. Talkto Feena after her speech and pick the third choice. Thiswould be a great time to go to the 2nd Class area and stockup on accesories.Ghost ShipRecommended Level: 6Items: 9 Gold Pouches, Mana Egg (from the boss), 2 Wound Sals,Adm Sword, Pirate Hat, Resu.
Potion, SmarnaGet up on the crane (press X by the rope) andwalk across to the Pirate Ship. Go down the hole on the right.Use the save point as needed and enter the west opening. Goin the opening in the floor on the west side. Go up the ropeby the wall and into the door across the platform.
Take theright door. Go down the crane rope onto the box. Follow thewood around to the doorway, go in. Use the save point hereand then enter the Captain's room.
Examine the diary on thedesk and prepare to fight the third boss of the game.-BOSS: SQUID KING, RIGHT TENTACLE, LEFT TENTACLEHP: 592, 356, 438STRATEGY: Kill the right arm first since it heals the otherswith normal combo attacks. Have Feena use Burn! Centered onthe main body so that it hits everything each turn. Take outthe left arm next, then use V-slash and Puffy Kick on thebody. An easy boss if you know what to do.-Come out of the room after the quaking. Examine the door aheadto have Feena pick the lock. Go to the resting quarters afteryour timely escape and sleep.
When you wake, you'll be inNew Parm!New ParmRecommended Level: 6Items: noneLeave the port and go into the city. Take noteof the shop and inn on the left and right. You can trade inthe Mana Egg you just got for your first spell. I'd suggestgiving Sue Water, so she can heal the stronger attackers Justinand Feena. Anyway, head inside the Adventurer's Society buildingin the center of New Parm. Talk to the secretary until youget the password.
Go in front of the office and pick the secondchoice. Enter and talk to Pakon over and over until Justindecides he doesn't want go through the bull to become a member.Leave the town and choose Merrill Road as your next destination.Merill RoadRecommended Level: 6Items: 5 Gold Pouches, Mana Egg, EarringsOne thing to keep in mind here is to watch outfor the spiders perching on the cliffs above who'll gladlyambush you in a moment's notice. Keep your eyes open. Go downthe grassy path inbetween the rock cliffs. When the path branchesoff, go north for a bunch of items. When the path splits yetagain, go east then west for a Mana Egg.
When you arrive atthe viewpoint, go north then west at the junctions. At thenext viewpoint, go north and exit the area.Feena's HouseRecommended Level: 7Items: noneGo northeast and enter the cabin. Surprise,she's not there! Examine her pretty panties on the clotheslineand she catches Justin in the act of perversion.
After sheleaves, go outside to see what's up. Palom won't get overhis obsession. After Justin tries to save her, Palom's stoogeMaster Chang knocks the stuffing out of you.New Parm's Church's UndergroundRecommended Level: 7Items: 4 Gold Pouches, Shell Shield, Iron Mace, Mana EggGo back to the city of New Parm and to the churchin the western part.
It seems the door's locked, so what todo? Check the back shed. Inside it is an opening to undergroundwhich you should enter. Go around the straightforward path.Turn the wheel you come across to lower the water level andgo north around the path. Turn the next wheel and go backnorth. Cross the newly uncovered path on the water. Turn thenext wheel.
Head south into the tunnel. Turn the wheel andgo back to the stairs.
Enter the northeast side passage downthem. Get the Mana Egg and return to the stairs. Now go northwestinto another passage. Follow it up the stairs and into anotherset of stairs which leads into a shaft. Examine the actionicon by the left wall. Enter the room and use the save point.Get up on the boxes and follow them to the door above. You're almost late!
Run across the wood planks tothe end. Just when you think you've got her back, the stoogeambushes you.-BOSS: MASTER CHANGHP: 738STRATEGY: The big thing to notice about this boss is his exceptionalspeed. If you don't think you'll be able to pull of a skillor spell in time, don't select it. Stick to mostly combossince they're fast and have the person with the biggest gapon the IP gauge ahead of Chang do the healing (which shouldbe done if HP falls below 35). Good thing his defense is prettyweak.-And victory is yours. The gang leaves with Feena's new independencefrom the Society.
Come out of Feena's house the next morningto find her taking in the breeze. Watch the cut-scene withBaal and Mullen. Seems they have something sneaky going onat the Dom Ruins which will be your next stop after the littlemini-dungeon next.Rangle MountainsRecommended Level: 8Items: 7 Gold Pouches, Y Medal, 2 Mana Eggs, Move Seed, PowFruit, GinsengGoing through the Rangle Mountains is fairlystraightforward and now is a time you should take to buffup your magic skills. Look at what the requirements are forcertain skills and spells and try to get a few before leaving.Go straight north and follow the edge around where a ManaEgg is ripe for the taking.
Continue around and exit the area.Go up the cliffs. Feena makes the party take a rest. The nextmorning, feel free to use the save point. Now head south.If you go farther, there will be birds resting on the rock.Watch out so they won't ambush you. Go around the rock ledgewhere the save point was, down the ledge. Follow it completelyaround and slide down another ledge.
Another Mana Egg is secludedhere. Keep following the rock and it'll take you out of theforest.
Stock up on weapons, armor, and whatever else in NewParm, then continue your journey in the Dom Ruins.Dom RuinsRecommended Level: 10Items: 13 Gold Pouches, Miracle, Speed Seed, 2 Blue Pills,Holy Mace, Dynamite, Herbs, Strength Seed, Jade, Resu. Potion,Mana EggThis is quite a long dungeon, so make sure youtake care of bathroom and drink breaks beforehand. When youenter, you'll see weird creatures scurrying around.
Make sureJustin's equipped with the Ax before you decide to take anyof them on, since it seems that's the only thing that willdeal any real damage. To get out of this interesting maze,go straight east and go around the trees to a clearing inthe southeast. Follow that around and you'll see another clearing.Go southeast again through the pathway.
At yet another clearing,go straight south. Follow the wall to get to the next area.Go east within the fence then step out as soon as you seean opening.
Go east again. At the end of the fence, go insidethe opening and save. Head back out and into the ruins 'tunnel'.You'll fight some orcs that'll give you a Holy Mace (the onlything that hurts ghosts) Go south at the split path and insidethe internal section of the ruins. Follow the path and keepto the middle to the pillars don't hit you. Open the doorand go in.
Get on the vine and climb up (press X). Hop offand into the opening. Continue into the rotunda room witha lever. Press it and enter the southwest door. At the pathbreak take the southern route then southern again at the nextone.
Follow it to the cliff outside. If you walk on the bridge,it will collapse.
Go in the door below and use the save pointif you wish. Next, take the west path (the other is a dropoffto the first room) then east on the next one. Step on thebutton on the cliff then press the lever in the room before.Go in the door and press the lever at the end.
Head back intothe room, out, and east. Go directly across at the path breakthen northeast. You'll see a vine at the end.
Climb up itand into the next room. On the left will be a Mana Egg. Atthe next fork, pick southeast and press the lever in the nextrotunda room. Use the save point and item stash place as necessary.Walk ahead and fight a pretty easy boss (should be if youhave your magics around level 4 or so).-BOSS: GANYMEDE (front and back)HP: 1500/1500STRATEGY: Basically, just wail on the monster with attackmagics. Ones with ranges are the ones you should choose.
Earthones should only be used for raising/lowering defense sinceit seems resistant to others.-Go ahead on the path that is now cleared into the magic room.After a short conversation with Liete, Justin learns thathis quest for Alent and the lost Angelou civilization is farfrom over. Come back out the way you came.
Go across the rotundaroom, down the slide, and out of the room. Return across theintersecting pedestals and pass the save point.
Climb up thevine. At the next intersection, pick north then east out ofthe room. Press the next lever. Enter the southeast door.Climb up the vine and out, then go straight south to leavethe entrance. When the gang thinks everything's going great,a humanoid youth is found collapsed and hurt.
The Garlyleswere in wait the whole time, it seems.MountainsRecommended Level: 11Items: 2 Herbs, Antidote, 3 White Sulfa, Smelling Salts, LifeSeed, WeedsCome out of Feena's house and examine the fenceto the side. Go into the Herb Mountains. There are a ton ofpaths you can use to find the Red Sulfa and it would takea few pages to write, so I'll give a simple yet effectivestrategy for finding it: work your way from the outside intowards the center.
If you reach a dead end, back up and findanother route in. Eventually, you'll come to a point whereyou can see it off a cliff side. Slide down and pick it up,then go back to the house.
The next morning, leave the houseto look for the kid. He's playing his flute and having a goodold time, so talk to him and see what's up. Ambush by theGarlyle Forces!Area 51Recommended Level: 11Items: 4 Gold Pouches, Resu. Potion, Ult Drink, Soldier Uniform,Officer Uniform, Arm Saber, Army Boots, Army DartWhen you're left to roam free, examine the pipethat's glowing. After the guard is put down for the count,leave the room and talk to Feena, then go into the next room.Enter the door and grab the key from the guard. Leave theroom and proceed to get your butt handed to you by soldiers.Pick up the key that Leen dropped, go to the next room andrescue Sue and Feena. Leave that room.
Go up the barrels intothe air ducts and crawl around for a while. You can go upto 'windows' and overhear what guards are sayingor fight with a few. Eventually you'll reach a room with alock and eight combinations.
Unless you're unbelievably lucky,you won't get the right code so go in the next series of ducts.Listen to Nana, Saki, and Mio give you more-than-subtle cluesabout it then go back to the lock and enter the following:Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Down, Up. Go in the door,head downstairs, use the save point, enter the room.
Talkto the humanoid then examine the crank. Voila, it opens thecage. Leave the room with Ren (now the Babel syndrome is over).In the next room, Saki and some goons show up to make surethe creature doesn't leave the premises.-BOSS: SAKI, 3 PRIVATESHP: 1000/110/110/110STRATEGY: Take the privates out first with attacks that hitrange or all enemies.
Try to fit Saki in a few of those. Whenthey're gone, wail on her with tons of magic and skills.-Enter the south door after you get the Master Key from her.Now you can unlock any doors you want and get some goodies.Follow the path and then Nana comes down the stairs to stopyou.-BOSS: NANA, 3 PRIVATESHP: 900/110/110/110STRATEGY: Use the same one as for Saki.-Enter the 'warehouse' place and follow the compassto the base exit. Make sure to save before this though. Atthe end, Mio wants to give out an early execution.-BOSS: MIO, 3 PRIVATESHP: 700/110/110/110STRATEGY: Get rid of the grunts, then just attack Mio withnormal attacks.
This girl moves as fast as Master Chang andhas a nasty habit of casting spells that cause status effects.Luckily, she doesn't have a lot of HP.-Head into the room now after saving at the point. Go downstairsand into the train door.TrainRecommended Level: 12Items: 2 Gold Pouches, Crimson Potion, OFC BadgeGo in the next room after pulling the brakeand the sequence with the gang. Stormtroopers (or somethingsimilar) raid the train and you'll have to put up with a seriesof fights. In the first car after going down the rope, fightthe two Private groups and move to the next.
Fight the nextgroup and move ahead. In the next room, kill the two Sergeantgroups and examine the brakes. Watch the sequence with thegirls being left out to dry and arrival into the Misty Forest.Save at the point north.Misty Forest & Luc VillageRecommended Level: 12Items: 7 Gold Pouches, Bao Fruit, Weak WeedFrom the save point, follow the path keepinga northern bearing. At the first clearing, follow the treesnorth and then west.
At the next break, go east and acrossthe stepping stone on the stream. Then go east and the entranceto Luc Village will be seen. Talk to Ren at the gateand gain two goals: find the Village Chief and talk to him,then meet Ren at his house. Take some time to explore thevillage a little, checking out the weapon shop, guard towers(to get a view of the whole town), the item stash place inRen's house, or the save point.
When you're done having fun,go talk to the Chief in his home located in the east sectionof Luc. He says to stay in the village, you must find. Okay, so it's really just a small bottle of nectarat the foot of a statue on the God of Light's mountain. Proceedthere (it's the gate by the save point).God of Light's MountainRecommended Level: 12Items: 10 Gold Pouches, Para Charm, Life Seed, Resu. Potion,Mist Whip, Light AmInside the dungeon, continue on the path untilthe first split. Go west until you come to another one.
Pickthe western one, then follow the path under the wooden supports.Pick west yet again at the next break and you'll come to apass marker. Go north after reaching it and enter the peakarea. This path is really easy and only diverts for locationswith treasures.
Grab the jar at the statues feet and run backdown the mountain. No, you won't have to face a boss. Afterthe peak, go due south and follow the tree and rock edgesback to town. Go show the Chief the shrubbery, err, nectar.Talk to him a total of four times. I'd suggest going backin the mountain to level up your magic to about 6 or so.Luc's Attacked & Misty ForestRecommended Level: 13Items: 16 Gold Pouches, Crimson Potion, 2 Cholla, Resu.
Potion,2 Bao Fruits, Panacea, Oracle Staff, Smarna, Ginseng, SpeedSeedEnter Ren's house and spend the night by talkingto his mother. Leave the house after the loud noise is heardand after receiving your top secret mission from the Chief,go back to the Mountain. Fight Sergeants along the way anduse the same route as before to get to the peak. After thestatue breaks and the ensuing guilt trip ends, leave the mountain.Back in Luc, take the east exit into the Misty Forest. A fewsteps into it, the nut is used to clear up things a little.Use the save point if you need it, then take these directionsat the next few path breaks: east, north, east.
You'll passa marker. Go east at the next break and enter the second area.Follow the path directly around and over the stream stone.Take the northeast path and south across the rock over thelake. In the third area, take the east path. Unfortunately,I couldn't find my way back to the entrance to be able towrite a walkthrough of this one, but keep a generally northerntrack and follow the compass, and everything should be allright.Then you finally reach the End of the World!End of the WorldRecommended Level: 14Items: 6 Gold Pouches, Speed Seed, Agility Fruit, Gust Knife,TrustThis dungeon was pretty fun since it's totallystraightforward unlike the Misty Forest. Push the block onthe path then run away as it falls. Cross over it and continue.Go in the insert with the blocks overhead.
Press the leftaction icon. In the next area, go up the left stairs and ontothe platform. Take the left stairs again and another platform.Pick the right path and examine the action icon at the end.Camp in area 3 and use the save and stash points as needed.Continue. Push the button and get on the platform.
Push thenext button and move onto the next platform. In the next area,wait for the monster to go under the trembling block and watchas it falls down and goes boom. Two more platforms later,examine the bird statue.
It comes alive and flies away (soundfamiliar?). Press the exposed button and fight the easy sucker.Hit the next action button and go to area 5. Run fast throughthis place so you don't get crushed. Go up the risen staircase.Go up, press the button. Press the next action icon.
Campand stash/save. Pick the platform to the left, push the buttonand run. One more platform and an action icon later, and you'rein area 7. Pick the right platform and smack the next twobuttons. Head back down and up the other staircase.
Run soyou don't get hurt. Press the action icon and go up even more.Walk straight through and press the icon. Thesethree birds aren't even tough enough to be called bosses.Whack them with some great range attack skills. Hit the button.Go left and camp. Trudge on, and behold the End of the World.Or is it?
Check out the machines and get a fun little rideto the bottom.Valley of Flying DragonRecommended Level: 14Items: 13 Gold Pouches, Resu. Potion, Cholla, Antidote, BamoFruit, Vaccine, Magic Fruit, Fire Charm, Power Seed, 2 ManaEggsAt first, the dongeon may seem difficult sinceyou only have Justin and Feena. Around Area 2 or 3, you'llface Gadwin, best knight of Dight. Don't panic when he doesyou his Dragon Cut Technique. Yes, it does around 9950 damage,but it's part of the story to lose this battle. He'lljoin your team with Sue. Now you have no reason to find battlesdifficult.
The rest of the dongeon is pretty easy, almoststraight-foward. Just watch out for flower traps. They'lltry to eat you. It takes you out HPs, and if you get caughtin them too often, you might have a bad surprise in your nextbattle.Village of DightRecommended Level: 15When you enter the village, Gadwin will leaveyour party in order to speak to the elder.
Go to the inn andmeet the unforgetable Guido. After you talk to him, stay atthe inn. The innkeeper looks like a jar, left to the entrance.When you wake up, Gadwin will freak out seeing the rain.
Findhim outside talking with the elder. You'll learn that twoknights need to go to Typhoon Tower in order to make the toxicrain stop. Justin will accept to go with Gadwin. Now beforeyou go to that big dongeon, check the shops to buy new equippement'sparts and new spells. Now, to Mount Typhoon!Mount Typhoon & Typhoon TowerRecommended Level: 15Items: 13 Gold Pouches, Mushroom Shield, Move Shroom, 2 ManaEggs, Demon Amulet, 2 Healthweeds, Mage Seed, Disease Charm,Confusion Charm, Sickle, Hail Bow, Pirate HelmetIn here, let the enemies come to you. They movefast and the last thing you want is to be ambushed.
You cancross mushrooms and rocks over the acid rivers. Go north andup the hill. Cross the east rock and go north again.
There'sa Mana Egg ripe for picking. Go back down the hill and tothe west. Take the mushrooms to the top.
Go north and crossthe mushrooms at the river. North, and yet more fungi. Gonortheast and into the peak area. Cross the mushrooms in thenorthwest. Follow the path uphill.
Use the compass to findthe structure in the center and enter it when you've finishedtalking to the friendly insectoid inhabitants of the area.Use the save point. From there, go northwest to find anotherMana Egg. Press the green button on the floor. Go up the newstaircase then take the northernmost staircase. Slide downthe rope at the end and press the button. Get onto the staircaseand press the switch that rotates the platform. Head backthe way you came to the first room.
Downstairs, pass the savepoint and go in the other direction. Take the red stairs.Pick the northern one and head across and find the save point.I think you know what's coming up! One staircase later andyou're forced to fight the insect king.-BOSS: SERPENT (MEAN HEAD, NICE HEAD, HOT HEAD, BAD HEAD, BODY)HP: 486/800/516/600/1071Before attacking the main body, destroy the four heads, eventhough it takes more take. Don't use Gadwin's Dragon Cut Technique'cause it's completly useless. The recovery head should betaken off at least on second shot.
Use Justin's Midair Cut,Sue's magics like Crackle and Feena's fire magic.-Step now on the switch to make appear a stairway. Climb itand you'll get to the Mirror Room.
Assits to the nice cinematicscene and go back to Dight Village with the Spear.Dight VillageRecommended Level: 16Back to Dight Village, talk to the elder andput the Spear at it's place in order to have the spirits'protection on Dight. Gadwin will decide to follow you to GumboVillage, a warm festival place. Apparently.Lama MountainRecommended Level: 16Items: 13 Gold Pouches, Yellow Pill, Sil Orb, Healthweed,Dragon Killer, Eye StoneThe type of dongeon usually called useless.At least, in the middle, you'll camp for the night. The secondpart can be kind of confusing with all the moving platforms,but I suggest you try them all in order to find every itemsand the Mana Egg. Whatever the way you take, you'll end upat the end of the dongeon.Gumbo Village & VolcanoRecommended Level: 16Items: 14 Gold Pouches, 2 Healthweeds, Blue Potion, Mana Egg,Dragon Scales, Def Seed, Gem ChainWhen you enter the 'warm' Gumbo Village,the party will notice the strange cold air. After talkingto a couple of people, you'll notice that something is reallygoing wrong. Visit the elder's hut and talk to him.
Strangely,he'll begin a festifal in honor of the couple that is Justinand Feena. When you're finished, sleep at the guest's houseand go back see the elder. He'll catapult you on the volcano.Nice. This is a nice place to built up your levels.First, kill some fire dogs and earn a raincloud staff. Equipit to Justin so he can kill the monsters in one single hit.Explore a little around the save point to get a Mana Egg.Proceed foward and meet Sue and Gadwin. Justin will decidesto beat the Fire Dragon in order to restore things in Gumbo.So head north.-BOSS: MADRAGONHP: 2150 STRATEGY: This guy's even easier than the Serpent.Simply use critical skill attacks on the part of the bodythat is higher on the IP gauge.
When you're out of SP, wailon him with ice magic. Make sure not to use fire though.-When the battle is over, head toward the exit. At half ofthe way, your party will exit automaticly.Gumbo VillageRecommended Level: 18You'll get thanked by the villagers and theelder will organized an other festival in honor the dragonkillers. When you walk alone with Feena, head to the solitaryisland on the beach and admire on of the most beautiful sceneof the game. At the morning, you'll have breakfast with Sue,Feena and Gadwin.
Now you'll finally going to reach the TwinTowers. Go talk to the villager who ownes a boat and he'lltake you to the Twin Towers. But first you have a labyrinthto cross.The Twin TowersRecommended Level: 18Items: 15 Gold Pouches, Speed Seed, Vacuum Scroll, Spell Break,Magic Block Charm, Revival, Death Charm, Forest Charm, PowerSeed, Move Break, Angel's Darts.Proceed toward the North gate, the only openedone.
Now the labyrinth. You'll face few enemies there, butthey can affect your status.
You'll stay on the samefloor all the dongeon. When you step on a switch, two blockingrocks will go back into the floor and the others will getout of the ground.
When you see a gate with two guards, talkto them and you'll be able to enter the Twin Towers Territory.Save and enter the center tent. Leen and Mulen shall entertoo.
You'll get warped after in the ruins. Feena will wakeup with Mulen. Justin on the other side is alone. Proceedinto the only part with monsters of the dongeon until yousee Leen. The rest is only interactive cinema scenes.Dight VillageRecommended Level: 18Back to Dight, Sue will fall out. So you'llhave to go the Vanishing Hill without her ( yeah!:)The Vanishing HillRecommended Level: 18Items: 7 Gold Pouches, Life Seed, Healthweed, Wind CharmFrom Gumbo Village, go back to Dight to learnabout how to cross the Mermaid Sea from the Elder. Go in thegeezer's house and get the info you need.
After the littlefainting spell from Sue, head for the Mysterious VanishingHill. Whoa, what a title. Go west on the path and use thesave point. Press the buttons to lower the block paths. Keepin mind that only swords can hurt the crab enemies aroundhere. Pick the east path and get the silver key in the box.Oh boy, a whole slew of enemies have a craving for adventurerstew.
Fight them if you wish, then back to the save point.Open the huge gate in the middle. The camera switches, whichcould only mean one thing:-BOSS: MASSACRE MACHINEHP: 1800STRATEGY: Use your strongest attacks on this jabronie andyou should be more than fine. It didn't do a single pointof damage to any of my characters.-Watch the cut scene with Sue. Take the platform up then east.Take the next one down.
Push the button and go up the newset of stairs. Press the other button and head back down forthe gold key. Walk back up the hill, go near the edge andfall down. Enter the doorway and back to the save point. Thistime go west and open the door at the end. Take the platformup and run across the bridge before it disappears and youhave to fight a few extra baddies. One platform later andthe camera changes yet again.-BOSS: MASSACRE MACHINEHP: 2000STRATEGY: The same as the other one, except this one's a littletougher.-Continue on and push the buttons.
You have to do them in acertain order to make the stairs rise up in order. To resetand try again, push the south one. Grab the orb and head backto Dight, more specifically, Dr.
After a tearful announcement,go back to the Mysterious Vanishing Hill. Head south intothe cave area and examine the device in the back. Watch thesequence and grab some Kleenex.Dight VillageRecommended Level: 19Find Sue at Dight Village and Justin will decideto use the Orb to teleport Sue in Parm ( Sincerly, I wouldhave only left her in Dight and use the Orb to teleport inAlent, but the farthest is Sue, the best it is, right? 8)So Jutin will head to Vanishing Hill and say good boy to Sue( Finally!!!:)Valley of Flying DragonRecommended Level: 19Remember where you met Gadwin the first time? Well that's where you have to go. He'll challenge you ina fight ( really, I would have never thought of that evenon second )(.
By the way, I'm being sarcastic )-BOSS: GADWINHP: 1525STRATEGY: Use any spells, moves, or combos you think necessary.He does 0 damage no matter what.-Now return to Dight Village.Dight VillageRecommended Level: 19Take Gadwin's boat.Gadwin's boatRecommended Level: 19I hope you were expecting something there withFeena and Justin alone on a boat in the middle of a sea. Toobad that mermaid screwed up all the atmosphere ( stupid mermaid!8( After talking to the beautiful mermaid, you'll arriveat the final dongeon of Disc 1.' Pirate' IslandRecommended Level: 19Items: 6 Gold Pouches, Rain WeedI suggest you don't loose too much time in fights,because there aren't any save points before the boss. Theisland is really short, only two areas. When you reach thegroup of mermaids, you'll have to enter a cave. You'll facethe last boss of Disc 1.-BOSS: GRINWHALE, LUREHP: 1985/1733STRATEGY: Range attacks work really well especially Justin'snew Dragon Cut if you have it.
Heal when HP reaches about70 or so and you shouldn't have a problem.-Your party will go back alone to the boat.You'll finally reach East Elencia Continent!!!Bye Bye Disc 1!!!!!!
- / / - - - (TM)by H. Chen. TABLE OF CONTENT.I. Carbo VillageB. The Black ForestC. Garmia TowerD. Inor MountainsE.
Agear Town- Durham CaveF. Baked PlainsG.
Liligue City- Liligue CaveH. Lumir Forest- Garden of DreamI. Mirumu Village- Mysterious Fissure- Aira's SpaceJ.
Heim Mountains- Halfway Up- Pilgrim RoadK. Heim Papal StateL. Cyrum Kingdom- Cyrum Castle- Underground Plant- BoatN. Cecile ReefO. Garlan VillageP. Grail MountainQ.
Ghoss Forest- West- EastR. Nanan VillageS. The Great Rift- Demon's LawT. Valmar's BodyU. Heim Papal State 2V. Valmar's MoonW. Cyrum Kingdom 2- Birthplace of the Gods- New ValmarX.
Raul Hills (Optional)IV. Magic & SkillsVI. Others- Legal- Credits. I. INTRODUCTION.This is not the first time I am writing a walkthrough, but it is the firsttime I am posting it on GameFAQ. Please email me for any comments orsuggestions. If you find something that I had not found or if you know anysecrets, please feel free to let me know.
I can put it up, including yourname and contact info.EnjoyH.C. II. UPDATES. Walkthrough finished Magic & Skills created Walkthrough updated Walkthrough created. III.
WALKTHROUGH.OPENING CREDITSCENEItems: Poison Antidote, Wound Salve, Blizzard CharmEnemies: Mottled Spider (250)Just follow the road. A. CARBO VILLAGE 8 E. Entry of the Town-1.
Carbo Inn/ 6 7 2. Carbo General Store 3 3. Fountain 4 5 / 4. House 1-5. House 31 2 7. Carbo ChurchSCENEYou can learn more about combat in the General Store, and buy necessaryequipments or items if you have enough money.
Also, you can save in the Innif you want. Otherwise, there are not many things to do, so head up to thechurch.SCENEAfterward, head to the Inn as the Priest Carius asked.SCENEGo to the Church.SCENEAfter Elena joins you, leave the town. B. THE BLACK FOREST Items: Medicinal Herb, 50G, Myriad Power NutEnemies: Dodo (230)Follow the road and fight the enemies that come along. C. GARMIA TOWER Items: Wound Salve, Wind Charm, Hand Grenade, 50G, 150G, Wound SalveEnemies: Mottled Spider (250), Gargoyle (380)SCENEWhile you are waiting outside, you hear screams inside the church. Enter theTower.The First Floor: You can see several Mottled Spiders on this floor.
Irecommend to kill them all so that your characters can level up, not tomention making some money. There are items located in some rooms, so it is agood idea to explore.The Second Floor: Just follow the corridor. Do not forget to grab 50G beforeheading up.The Third Floor: Similarly as the first floor, this floor has many enemies.In addition of Mottled Spiders, you see Gargoyle the first time. Do not needto worry about your character's health. There is a Save Point near the stairto the top floor. If you are low in HP, you can just recover at the SavePoint.The Top Floor: Kill the two Gargoyles. Afterward, since you cannot open thedoor, break the window nearby instead.SCENEThe Game automatically brings you back to Carbo Village.
Return to theChurch.SCENE BOSS FIGHT MilleniaHP:????One word: Impossible. You cannot win this battle.
She is much too fast andmore powerful than you at this point. However, you can practice how tofight.SCENELeave the town.
D. INOR MOUNTAINS Items: Muscle Mushroom, 50G x 4, Goblin Toadstool, Poison Antidote x 2,150G x 2, Climbing Hat, Yomi's Elixir, Crystal BroochEnemies: Crag Snake (280), Dodo (230), Mottled Spider (250)Walk along the path, and you will see mushrooms spreading around. By cuttingthem, you can get items, face enemies, or have nothing. The main path leadsto a rocky mountain and into the next area.SCENEThere are many enemies at this area. None of them is new, but they attackyou in groups, instead of individuals. So, the battles are a little moredifficult.
Also, in this area, there are rocks to play with. The first oneleads to 50G. Later, along the path, you will see a chest surrounded byrocks. A bigger rock is on the top of the hill, which will break thosesmaller rocks by rolling toward them, when you get close to it. Among allthose rolling rocks, pay caution to the one near a cave. Do not trigger thisone because it will reveal Crag Snakes inside the cave.
E. AGEAR TOWN - 4 - E. Entry of the Town/ C B. Blocked on Arrival C.
Durham Cave / S. South Silesia-BBB-2 1. Agear Inn1 2. Guards' TentEBuy equipments or items in the Guards' Tent. Because the road is blocked atthis moment due to monsters' appearance, go to the Inn and talk to theInnkeeper, Vyx.SCENEHead to Durham Cave and find Roan.- DURHAM CAVE -Items: Medicinal Herb x 3, Firebomb, Yomi's Elixir, 100G x 2, Sleep Charm,Poff Nut x 2, Calming Harp, Stone Head, 300G, Torte's ReedpipeEnemies: Crag Snake (280), Frost Frog (400)Soon after you enter the cave, rocks fall onto the ground so that you canstep down to the lower level. You will see a 'squirrel-fox-rodent' thing,Carro, but nothing it can help at this moment.
So, ignore it for now. Gofurther and jump off the ledge. Fight Crag Snakes after pushing the giantrock toward the wall.Then, go toward the center of this area so that you can maneuver the lever.Cross the bridge that has just been raised, and enter the entry nearby Note:the one with no bars.
Along the way, you need to push a rock for later use.After fighting a few monsters, you are back to the center area.Move the lever again to raise the other bridge. Then, enter the entry whereyou just fought the monsters, and use the rock you just pushed to return tothe center area. Cross the bridge. After you enter another entry with bars,there are two directions. One leads to an item near the center area, andanother leads to next area of the cave.
Note: I recommend you to savebefore going into the next area because you'll face a more difficult monsterfight.As you see Roan, you are to save him by defeating those three Troglodytes. BOSS FIGHT Troglodyte x 3HP: 980Received: Mist EggMillenia's Fallen Wings can cause lots of damages to all enemies at once, sousing it is helpful although it causes 75 SP.
Also, I found that destroyingone by one is easier than delaying the one which is about to attack you.SCENEAfter fighting some more monsters, recover and save at the Save Point beforegoing to the last area of the cave. BOSS FIGHT Durham Minotaur, Troglodyte x 2HP: 4200, 980Received: Whirlwind Scroll, Adventure BookSince I spent all my money on Armors, instead of Weapons, I rely onMagic/Skill a lot on this fight. After Millenia's Fallen Wings, it is easierto destroy the two Troglodytes first so that you can concentrate on DurhamMinotaur.SCENEReturn to Agear Town. Recover and save using one of the Save Points alongthe way.SCENEBuy equipments/items if needed. Otherwise, go to the other side of the town(south) and exit.
F. BAKED PLAINS Items: 200G x 4, Seed of Running, 600G x 3, Dash Shoes, Seed of Psyche,Seed of Power, Seed of Defense, Healing Herb, North Wind Cape,Poison Charm, Poff Nut, Seed of Swift, Seed of Magic, Swiftness Nut,Shell ArmorEnemies: Giant Mantis (420), Dodo (230), Sandman (340)Follow the path until you reach Baked Plains 2.There are steams coming out from the ground. On a small cliff surrounded bysteams is a big treasure chest. Other than that, just kill those monstersand get items before go into next area.SCENENote: You get to control whom to talk.
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BOSS FIGHT Beast-ManHP: 4800His usual attack can cause 100+ damages, and he attacks twice every turn.Occasionally, he does a severe damage of 300+. Just try to keep all partymembers' HP high. By the way, strangely, this boss mainly focuses hisattacks on Ryudo.SCENEThere are still items and monsters after the boss fight. Afterward, leavethis area.
G. LILIGUE CITY 8 C E. Entry of the Town5 C. Liligue Cave4 6 D. Locked Door on ArrivalS S. Skyway Station97 1.
Liligue General Store3 2. Liligue Inn 6. House 3-DDD- 3. Engineer's House 7.
House 41 2 4. Gadan's HouseE 5. ChurchSCENEThere is nothing to do, except buying equipments in the Store. When you aredone, spend a night at the Inn.SCENENote: You get to control whom to talk.In the next morning, the locked door is open so that you can enter the town.SCENEGo to Gadan's House, which is located further inside the town.SCENEThe Church is located at the end of the blue path, on a hill.
Enter and talkto the Father. After the conversation, follow him to upstairs and talk tohim again. When the conversation and the town viewing are done, exit andmeet Mareg.SCENEAfter Mareg joins you, investigate the hole covered with a door on theground near Gadan's House.- LILIGUE CAVE -Items: 400G, Healing Herb, Mogay Bomb x 2, Purifying Herb, 1200G x 2,Reflection Ring, 400G, Confusion Charm, Bounds of Trust, Poff Nut,Holy Wound Salve, Fire Pendant, Flamberge, Smelling Salts,Burning Bow, Flare DressEnemies: Crag Snake (280), Giant Mantis (420), Frost Frog (400),Gargoyle (380), Ghoul (670)The surrounding of Liligue Cave 1 is like a mountain cave. You can light uptorches by standing below them. It is okay to explore all the paths. If onedoes not lead to the next area, then it leads to items.
Eventually, you willget to Liligue Cave 2.The second part of the cave is small, and the surrounding is more like astone cave. Beat the enemies if you want and collect the 1200G.
Otherwise,enter the other doorway to the next area.You are back to Liligue Cave 1. Just follow the path to the next part.The fourth part is similar as the second part. However, as you follow thepath (and beat monsters along the way), you find a monument and three ballsthat you need to light on. After stepping onto the button on the floor, newdoors are open. One of them leads to the switch for the blue ball, and theother leads to the switch for the green ball.
After getting the green ball,take the other direction to reach the third door that leads to the switch ofthe red ball. For this particular part, you need to move the box so that youcan cross over to reach the switch. Do not forget to garb the Poff Nutbefore returning to the monument. There, you see a new ball. After youlight up this yellow one, another doorway is open, and you are in LiligueCave 3.Save because a boss fight is coming up.SCENEGet the items in the chest, and then enter the Temple Ruins.
BOSS FIGHT Valmar's Tongue, Head, Right Hand, Left HandHP: 8000, 5000, 4000, 4000Received: Ancient Cuirass, Revival Gem, Book of WizardsThis is one of the toughest battles I have met. The easier way is to defeatthe weaker part first and then leave the Tongue for the last. I really donot know what else to do, except fighting and keeping everyone's HP high. Ofcourse, Skill/Magic is more useful than physical attacks sometimes.SCENEYour party should be back in the town already and should be ready to leaveusing the Skyway. Thus, go to the Skyway Station and get onboard.SCENENote: You get to control whom to talk. H.
LUMIR FOREST Items: Lumir Flower x 2, 400G x 5, Insecticide Bomb x 2, 1200G x 2,Oracle's Staff, Blueberry, Icefang Stone, Arctic Cape, Ice PickEnemies: Big Foot (750), Giant Crab (560), Huge Caterpillar (630)Follow the path to leave this area. However, there is some covered in snow,which you can still get across. One leads to an item, which you saw earlierwhen you were still in the Skyway. After you reach Lumir Forest, save at theSave Point, which is the only place to save in this whole forest.
Thensearch for the cave for the next area.Inside Lumir Cavern 1, try to cut the vine when you see one. Most of themlead to items, and one eventually leads to the exit. Back in the LumirForest, explore the same way as in previous forest area and search for theentry to the second cavern.The difference in Lumir Cavern 2 from Lumir Cavern 1 is the stems coming outof the water.
Cutting one reveals a new door. It is better to cut them allbecause some leads to useful equipments for the party members. Afterward,use similar strategy as in Lumir Cavern 1 to get out of here. Once outsidein the forest again, investigate carefully because there is a big treasurechest hidden in snows.
Else, follow the path to the Garden of Dream.- GARDEN OF DREAM -SCENEAfter the scene, return to Lumir Forest and see another conversationexchanged. If you try to enter the Garden of Dream again, you will find theroad blocked. Instead, another road nearby leads to the exit and EastSilesia. I.
MIRUMU VILLAGE F E. Entry of the Town9 F. Mysterious Fissure-8-4 5 6 1. Mirumu Inn 7.
Chief's House2. Mirumu General Store 8. Mirumu Town Hall 9. Sandra's House-4. House 1 (Shed)2 1 5.
House 3SCENEAfter entering the Inn, another scene follows.SCENEYou can still recover and save when you talk to the Innkeeper, Irina.Afterward, cross the Bridge and talk to Aira. Then, follow Sandra and Airainto their house.SCENELeave Sandra's house and return to the Inn.SCENENote: Talk to Selena again to trigger another scene sequence.Enter the Inn and spend a night there.SCENENote: You get to control whom to talk.When Ryudo is awake from the nightmare, check the window. This triggersanother sequence. Afterward, go into the Manager's room in the Inn and checkIrina. Then, follow those Eyeballs into the fissure.- MYSTERIOUS FISSURE -Items: Raincoat, 500G, Wind Boots, Bone Harp, 1500G, Purifying Herb,Enemies: Giant Crab (560), Twin Ogre (680), Hammerhead (830)Navigate this area to get items. After some turns and a spiral area, you seecolumns with a Save Point nearby. Save before you enter the next area.Approach the center of the circular floor and triggers the fight sequence.
BOSS FIGHT Eyeball Bat x 4HP: 3000Received: Book of WarriorsThose monsters focus attacks mainly on Elena, so try to keep her HP high.This is not too difficult if you equip Mana Eggs to your members, so thatthey can heal themselves when necessary. Also, again, trying to kill of oneby one is easier.SCENEAs you are back in the town, go to the Town Hall, and Selena enters.
Afterthe conversation, reinvestigate the Fissure. There, you will meet Aira.Follow her to the shed and jump into the hole.SCENEReturn to Mirumu to see another scene.SCENEReturn to Mysterious Fissure, Depths. Note: You can do so through theFissure entrance, Shred behind Sandra's House, or the Garden of Dream.There, a new entrance appears, which you can use to enter Aira's soul.- AIRA'S SPACE -Items: Silver Feather, 500G x 3, Yomi's Elixir, 1500G x 2, Battle Manicure,Illusion Clothes, Mirage Earring, Bonds of Trust, Moebius RingEnemies: Star Mirage (720), Twin Ogre (680), Hammerhead (830),Huge Caterpillar (630), Hellhound (580)Seemly you are in a cloud environment in Aira's Space 1. Just grab the itemsand fight the monsters along the way. If your HP is low, you can go back tothe starting point and recover. At the end of the area, ring the bell, and awhale appears. Use it to continue, and you are in a brown area.
At the end,you will reach a glowing globe, which brings you to Aira's Space 2.You will see eyeballs all over. Reach the bridge with an eyeball, and get tothe next island. Do not forget to grab the items in a chest nearby.
Whenyou see other bridges, make the eyeballs disappear as well so that you canget items on the other side. Eventually, you will reach a ladder. Afterclimbing up and then down, you will see a Save Point at the end of the road.After you save, enter the Room of Solitude and confront Aira.
BOSS FIGHT Valmar's Eye, Right Tendril, Left Tendril, Eyeball Bat x 4HP:????, 6000, 6000, 3000Received: Gravity Egg, Warp Knife, Demon's TearsUse Magic/Skill that can cause damages on All Foes. Eyeball Bats can bekilled off easily, and then you just need to concentrate on the Eye and itsTendrils.SCENEWhen you are ready, leave the town and encounter Selene. After theconversation, depart for St. Heim Mountains.
J. HEIM MOUNTAINS Note: The other part of the Mountain, Pilgrim Road, is after you visit St.Heim Papal State. Because it is a part of the St.
Heim Mountains, I amlisting in this section.- HALFWAY UP -Items: Guard Mushroom, 500G x 6, Scattering Stone, Mogay Bomb, Seed of Life,Scroll of Alheal, Lion Field Garb, 1500G x 3, Battle Manicure,Silver Feather, Godspeed Ring, Yomi's Elixir, Mach Boots,Dragonslayer Axe, Holy Wound Salve, Seed of Spells,Enemies: Chameleon (780), Hammerhead (830), Big Foot (750), Giant Crab (560)Follow the path and get items along the way. At the end, you can enter theSt.
Heim Mountains, Caverns.Use the exit on the right side from where you just came in, and it leads toan item outside the cavern. After returning inside the cavern, use the otherexit out of here.Outside, use the first entrance into the cavern again Note: The one underthe waterfall. Use the exit at the other side of the area to get an item.When you get everything, return to the waterfall and take the last entranceinto the cavern.SCENENote: You get to control whom to talk.First, you should go to St. Heim Mountains, Waterfall to get items from atreasure chest. Then use the other exit near the Save Point to St. HeimMountains, Base. At the end of the road, re-enter into the cavern for moreitems.After getting the Yomi's Elixir, push the rock nearby so that you can get tothe lower level and the Mach Boots.
Then, continue the path and reach St.Heim Mountains, Halfway Up.SCENENote: You get to control whom to talk.After you spent the night, take the path toward the top of the waterfall whenyou see one. Push the rock so that you can get the Dragonslayer Axe in thewater. Continue to St. Heim Mountains Base and then Waterfall.Keep following the path. When you are in the Halfway Up area, be aware ofthe steams that come out from sidewalk. Afterward, exit to East Silesia.- PILGRIM ROAD -Items: Poisoned Knife, 1500G, Holy Wound Salve, 500G x 3, Seed of Moves,Poff Nut, Bravery BandanaEnemies: Big Foot (750), Twin Ogre (680), Chameleon (780)Do not keep going toward East Silesia.
There are items in this area if youclimb down the ladders. Of course, you will encounter some monsters, aswell.
Then, exit to Raul Hills Note: section L. K. HEIM PAPAL STATE C E. Entrance of the Town C. Granas Cathedral- 8 1. Heim General Store 2.
Heim Inn 5 3. Heim Bakery 6 4 4. Heim Library 5. House 1 3 7/ 6. House 2-7.
House 31 2 8. House 4ESCENEGo to the Granas Cathedral and enter the Cathedral Lobby. To the right isthe Cathedral Balcony, and to the left are the Library and a Guestroom. Talkto the Priest in front of the center room. Only Ryudo can enter at thistime.SCENEAfter the conversation with Pope Zera in his room, you will talk with Oro inthe Audience Chamber.
Afterward, meet the others in the Library.SCENERead books in desired. Or, go to the next room, and a scene is triggered.SCENEHead over to the Cathedral Balcony and talk to Millenia.SCENEReturn to the Audience Chamber. Pope Zera and Elena are there to talk toyou.SCENEPurchase for better equipments/items if desired. When you are ready, leavethe town and head to the Kingdom of Cyrum.Note: The next area is St.
Heim Mountains, Pilgrim Road. Because it is apart of St. Heim Mountains, I am listing in section 'J.
Heim Mountains'. L. RAUL HILLS Items: Thunder Ring, 500G x 2, Earthen Cuirass, Buster Flail, 1500G x 2,BlackQuartz Helm, Golden Nut x 5, Weakness Nut, Seed of Psyche,Revival Gem, Seed of Power, Myriad Power Nut, Seed of Life x 2,Seed of Defense, Quake Stone, Patience Nut, Scroll of Alheal,Rage Ring, Exhaustion Nut, Seed of MagicEnemies: Dragonold (960), Land Cougar (1000), Chameleon (780),Twin Ogre (680)In Raul Hill, you not only can walk the path but also the grass. Fight theenemies and get items.
Then, you have to pass through some ruined walls tothe next area. The ruined walls are like a maze. Do not ignore dead endsbecause some lead to items.Raul Hill 2 is similar, except that you will see pink plants growing as youapproach them.
Do not get too close when they are growing because they canhit you. Some of them contain items after you cut them. Then, pass the SavePoint and cross the bridge. Before boarding the boat at the end of the road,take the other direction and go to Raul Hil1 for more items.
Then, return toRaul Hill 2 and take the boat. When you arrive at the other port, go leftfirst for more pink plants. Afterward, go to the other direction and exit. M. CYRUM KINGDOM E. Entrance of the Town 6 C.
Cyrum Castle 7 8 P. Cyrum Kingdom, PortC P 1. Cyrum Kingdom Inn 2. Cyrum Kingdom General Store 5 4 3. Castle Square3 4.
Hemble's Tent 5. House 3 2 1 6. Castle SquareSCENESpend a night in the Inn to trigger another scene.SCENEIn the next morning, go to the Square and talk to Hemble in his tent. Then,you have to play arm wrestle with him.
Note: The game will teach you how toplay. After you win, you are back in the Square.SCENEGo to the stand near Hemble's tent and get a drink for Elena. Note: Thefourth one is the refreshing juice of the Cyrum Palm, which is a regularone. When you go back to Elena, you see Millenia instead.SCENEWith Millenia, leave the Square and head to the Inn. This triggers anotherscene at the tent with a dancing boy, Mau.SCENEAfterward, follow Roan's direction and use the boat to the back of thecastle.
Then, talk to the guards here and enter the Secret Passage.- CYRUM CASTLE -Items: Move Blessing, Lightning Tiara, 2100G, Electrum Stone, Silver Feather,700G, Magical BraceEnemies: Dragonoide (960), Chameleon (780), Skull Snail (920)You will see Carro here Note: I do not know what to do with it right now.Then, you need to push a box to move further. Note: From now on, when yousee a box with red border, you can push it. Before going further, use theladder on the right to get an item.
Then, continue the path until you reacha lever.Move the lever and cross the bridge. Repeat for the second bridge. Thenclimb up the ladder. At the crossroad, one direction leads to a level thatopens the door.
The other opens a shortcut that you can use to return to theSave Point. Use the door to the next area. Follow the path to reach thelast room. There is a place you need to stand on so that you can open asecret door to Downstairs Hall. Here, enter the Room of Demon and talk toMenory.SCENEAfter the conversation, return to the Hall and go to Downstairs Lobby.There, enter the Audience Chamber, which is the big door in the center of theroom, and go to the King's Office.SCENEGo to downstairs, and check the Gate of Darkness. Enter.- UNDERGROUND PLANT -Items: Icefang Stone, 700G x 6, Paralysis Salve x 2, 2100G x 4, Soul Easter,Mana Harp, Move Blessing, Dynamite, Revival Gem, Forbear Necklace,Flame Stone, Miracle Elixir, Holy Wound Salve, Warp Shoes,Enemies: Skull Snail (920), Dragonoid (960), Warp Warrior (850),Vein Brain (800)This place is filled with machinery.
There is a Save Point near theentrance. Follow the path and kill off monsters.
After you come down to thelower level using the stair, you will see a terminal nearby. Use it to opena new way further into the area. Do not forget to kill the monsters nearbyand grab the item before continue.
Eventually, you enter Underground Plant2.Go left to get an item. Then, come back to the beginning of this area andhead straight. Follow the direction of pipes. After you receive 'RevivalGem', use the other pipe to get gold before use the one near the Save Point.Afterward, continue down the path, and you will reach the Save Point alongthe way. Here, use the pipe near the stair first to get an item before usethe other.
After moving the lever, continue down the path. After a couplemore pipes, move the third lever to continue. When you see two pipes, usethe one on the left first to retrieve a new weapon for Ryudo. Finally, youreach a platform to Underground Plant 3.Fight monsters and get items as you walk along the path. At the end, you seea Save Point. Save before heading to the Control Room.
After theconversation, walk straight to encounter the boss. BOSS FIGHT Valmar's Claw, Right Arm, Left ArmHP: 14000, 8000, 9000Received: Mana Insignia, Book of GalesThis boss can severely damage your party members and then heal itself. Plus,its movement is faster than yours. Hence, this is going to be a long fight.Try to keep all members' HP high while you attack.Note: The reason the HP is???? Is because it is above 9999. From now on, Iwill list HP based on the boss' HP bar, instead of '????'
As listed on thescreen. Thus, it is only an approximation.SCENEYou are in the Downstairs Hall. Go to King's Office upstairs and then King'sChamber.SCENE BOSS FIGHT Melfice, Sword, RegeneratorHP:????,????,????This battle is IMPOSSIBLE. No matter what you do, you cannot cause anydamage.
So, just keep using physical attacks so that you can finish thefight sooner.SCENEEnter the Castle and use the Front Gate. Roan comes out and talks to you.Afterward, leave the castle and meet Tio. Then, go to Port.
A ship is therewaiting for you. Talk to Captain Bakala to board the ship.- BOAT -In the boat, talk to Tio three times to get more information. Afterward,talk to Bakala on the deck. N. CECILE REEF Items: Dragonfly Slayer, Gale Stone, 1000G x 2, Scroll of Alheal,Healing Fruit, 3000G, Lullaby Staff, Coral Necklace, Electrum Stone,Mermaid Harp,Enemies: Crimson Claw (1230), Flame Toad (940), Scaly Warrior (1160)SCENEFollow the path and see pearl-like objects on the ground. Eventually, youreach an area that the part decides to spend a night.SCENENote: You get to control whom to talk.You are awake to face a few monsters. Afterward, take the other directionand enter Cecile Reef 1.
Follow the path. Later, jump over two cliffs tocontinue. Eventually, you reach Cecile Reef 2. Explore this area similarlyas previous one. Then, jump across the stones to reach the other side.Explore thoroughly, including the stony coastline. You, at last, will seetwo giant Crimson Tails. BOSS FIGHT CRIMSON TAIL x 2HP: 9800Received: Soul EggThis battle is actually a simple one.
The monsters do not cause manydamages, except decreasing your defense by 1 or occasionally using ScissorForm attack to cause 700+ damages to one particular member at a time. Fromyour party members, Howlnado and Zap All are most useful, which cause 1000+damages to each monster. You can defeat them after a few turns.Return to the Save Point to recover if necessary.
Otherwise, head to CecileReef, Point. After jumping off from the cliff, you meet Bakala.SCENE O. GARLAN VILLAGE V E. Ship 7 V. Island of Garlan and Vicinity 9 5 1.
Garlan Inn 4 2. Garlan General Store 8 3. House 1 3 4. House 2 7 5. House 3 6. House 4 2 1 7.
Tombs 8. Village Chief's HouseE 9. Ryudo's HouseUpon your arrival, you meet people who do not welcome Ryudo's return. Afterthe conversation, go to Ryudo's house.SCENEAfterward, go to the Inn and stay for tonight.SCENELeave the town and head to Grail Mountains.
P. GRAIL MOUNTAIN Items: 1000G x 4, Makibishi, 3000G x 2, Double Moon, Face Paint,Potion of Azure, Mars Talisman, Grail Fruit x 2, Healing Fruit,Dark Armor, Move Blessing, Bonds of Trust, Earthen Axe, Dynamite,Fairy Ribbon, Gold FeatherEnemies: Crimson Claw (1230), Clay Bird (1800), Man-Eating Tree (1340),Pit Viper (1080), Flame Toad (940)SCENEWalk further into the area, until you reach three tombstones. Move themiddle one to reveal the way to get across. Then, you will have a long tofight if you want to get all items. Otherwise, continue the path to reachanother set of tombstones. After moving one of the tombstone and crossingthe broken bridge, you will reach Grail Mountain Road 2 after a couple ofuphill.In this particular area, you need to cross purple mud to continue. Then, youneed to cross a few purple ropes.
Eventually, you see a Save Point and reachthe Shrine Square. There is no items or monsters here, so you can just goahead and enter the Shrine. After seeing the seal, return to the Square,since there is nothing else to do.
You will meet Melfice. Follow him toGrail Mountain Road 3.Grab the item in the chest before going downhill. Then, continue down thepath to get more items before you save and enter the Plateau of Memories. Gostraight and face Melfice. BOSS FIGHT Melfice, Sword, RegeneratorHP: 17000, 18000, 13000Received: Book of Swords, Waken Valborg, Soul of AsuraMelfice can be really, really tough. He can injure one character about 1200,and then his sword easily kills off this character if he or she has not diedyet.
If you are lucky like my second time fighting him, you can kill offthe Regenerator before he does any of this attack. Since the Sword only takedamages from Ice and Wind Magic, attack simultaneously between casting magicon the Sword and using skills on Melfice. If all your characters have one oftheir skills reaching five stars, keep use that particular skills because offaster speed and severer attacks. When only Melfice is left, the battle willbe easier.SCENESave in the Inn, and then head to the boat to depart.SCENE Q.
GHOSS FOREST Note: The second part of the Forest, Ghoss Forest East, is after you visitNanan Village. Because it is a part of the Ghoss Forest, I am listing inthis section.- GHOSS FOREST, WEST -Items: 3000G, Healing Incense, Sylph's Robe, 1000G, Divine Talisman,Quake Stone, Baobab Fruit, Super Mogay BombEnemies: Flame Toad (940), Scaly Warrior (1160), Giga Mantis (1460)Upon arrival, you are in the West part of the Ghoss Forest. First of all,you see one giant flower. Wait until it lowers its head so that you can getacross. Then, simply follow the path to continue. Beware of the plant,which blows out poisonous gas.
After the second poisonous-gas plant, youwill find the way to West 2.At the second intersection Note: the first leads to a dead-end, get closeto the giant flower to reveals a way to continue. Near the end of the path,you see conversations exchanges among party members. Afterward, exit to theGreat Cleft Island of Arachna and then to the Nanan Village.- GHOSS FOREST, EAST -Items: Revival Gem, 1000G x 3, Wolf Boots, 3000G x 3, Smelling Salt,Yomi's Elixir, Baobab Fruit, Seed of Spells, Red Goblin Toad,Dragon Scales, Seed of Running, Runner Mushroom, Vaccine,Speed Mushroom, Black BeltEnemies: Pit Viper (1080), Fenny Bird (1570), Man-Eating Tree (1340),Giga Mantis (1460)You will meet many monsters at once. Since you can go back to the Save Pointnearby, there should be no problems to beat them all. After that, you reacha giant tree along the way. One of the branches leads to 3000G.
Then, exitto East 2.In this area, cut the first set of mushrooms because some of them containitems. The middle one of the second set reveals three monsters. For thenext set, the mushroom on the right of the back row reveals another monsterwhen you cut it. Later, cut the five mushrooms in a row to get an item, andthen head to the other way to continue.
When you see another set ofmushrooms, the one stands alone reveals monsters nearby. Then, near thetrunk of another giant tree, search items.
Eventually, you reach the end andexit to Island of Arachna Note: section S. R.
NANAN VILLAGE S E. Entrance of the Town S. Nanan Spring 8 3 /6 4 1.
Nanan General Store 7. House 1 7 9 2. House 2 5 1 3.
Elder's House 9. House 3 2 4. Mareg's House 5. Weaving NutE 6. Hut of TrialsSomeone greets you upon your arrival. Afterward, go directly to the Elder'sHouse and talk to the Elder standing outside.SCENEEnter the Hut of Trials.- HUT OF TRIALS -Items: Nut of LightAfter you reach the bottom, read the monument to start the mini-game.Afterward, the door to the exit is open.
Collect the Nut of Light, and thenyou are dropped again onto moss. Then, you can exit using the platformahead.
The guy outside will give you a reward. Note: You can keep playingthe mini-game to receive items. I don't know whether the outcome of the itemyou get later is based on the number of nuts you collect or the number oftimes you win. The following lists the items I received.