About Genre Action Rating Rated 'M' for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence Summary Based on the monster hit Universal film series, this shark adventure game Jaws (originally known as Sole Predator) has players assume the role of the most feared predator on earth, the Great White Shark. Allods online subscription. Driven mad by human infiltration of its home waters, the shark will stop at nothing to eliminate the human threats to its existence. Armed with 3000 teeth and powered by 5000 pounds of muscle, players fight their way through 20 missions set in fully destructible environments devouring everything in their path. Set in an accurately modeled undersea world, Jaws combines high-speed action and combat in a truly unique fashion.
Her happiness is shattered when her lover-the dragonslayer-disappears without a trace, and the life that she knows and loves implodes without warning. For Astrid, a blacksmith who makes swords for dragonslayers, the emergence of a strange gemstone from her body sets in motion a chain of events that threaten to destroy her life. Dragon slayer sword.
While defending themselves from other predators and humans that wish to destroy them, players will hunt down and annihilate their victims. Piece by piece.
When a young woman is killed by a shark while skinny-dipping near the New England tourist town of Amity Island, police chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) wants to close the beaches, but mayor Larry.