Hands-OnMobile, the world's leading developer of connected games andapplications, today announces it has signed a deal with Austriandeveloper XENDEX GmbH to publish the mobile version of the internethit Icy Tower in EMEA, Latin America and South East Asia. Icy Toweris an addictive Jump 'n' Run game which, as a free to download webgame, has become a global internet phenomenon with more than 10million downloads.'
Icy Tower is a fun and short, yet addictive game where your only goal is to gain as much score as possible. Auto racing helmet. Harold the Homeboy and his friends have decided to climb a huge tower.
Casual games such as Icy Tower transfer perfectly onto mobiledevices and we are excited to be bringing this game with itsmassive cult following to a new audience,' said Greg Robinson,General Manager of Hands-On Mobile EMEA. 'We are delighted topartner again with XENDEX to publish this game and look forward tousing our global distribution network to make Icy Tower availableto the fans of the game around the world.' In Icy Tower players control Harold the Homeboy as he climbs themysterious ice tower in a never-ending quest for the highest score.The aim of the game is to build up the highest possible score byascending the Icy Tower as far as possible. Sharp reflexes areessential to help Harold the Homeboy leap from ledge to ledge onhis slippery ascent. Players gather points by beating the clock tothe top of each level.
However, it is not just how high you get,but how you get there, with rewards given for double and triplejump combos. The faster you move, the higher you jump and the morepoints you can earn.
Physically, she is the strongest character in Chrono Trigger, and is able to take the most damage next to. Unlike the other characters, Ayla doesn't equip a weapon and instead fights with her bare hands, and her fists upgrade as weapons as she levels up. After this, her fists upgrade to as they normally would in release.Departing from the usual role of female characters in, Ayla is a physical damage dealer. Chrono trigger ayla.
With a choice of characters, secret levels andtwo difficulty modes, Icy Tower is a pick up and play game thatwill keep players entertained for many hours.' We are thrilled to be working with Hands-On Mobile again topublish Icy Tower,' said Michael Haberl, CEO of XENDEX.
'Theclassic gameplay is challenging, rewarding and fun and we areconfident that its status as an Internet phenomenon will transferto mobile phones.' Icy Tower will launch on carriers in Q3 of this year. For moreinformation please visitwww.icytowermobile.comHands-On Mobile, Inc. Is a leading global publisher of mobileentertainment products. Established in 2001, with operations onfour continents, Hands-On Mobile develops and distributes mobilecontent to more than 200 of the world's leading operators in 60countries. Hands-On Mobile provides operators and their customerswith the world's best entertainment brands and content.
Thecompany's diverse catalogue includes games, applications andpersonalisation suites from top brands such as Activision,Billboard, CBS, LEGO, NBA, Marvel, NBC Universal, ParamountPictures, and World Poker Tour. The Hands-On Mobile DeveloperNetwork (HDN) brings mobile development to the masses enablingdevelopers to create and distribute mobile applications throughHands-On Mobile's core platform and ecosystem.
Hands-On Mobile is aU.S. Corporation with headquarters in San Francisco and offices inSan Diego, California; London and Manchester, England; Krakow,Poland; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Shanghai and Beijing, China; and Seoul,Korea. For more information about Hands-On Mobile please visitwww.HandsOn.com.Founded in 2001 Xendex is today a leading independent mobile andonline games developer studio in Europe. Xendex employs more than45 people and operates offices in Austria, Poland and the UK.Using its cutting edge creative and technology know-how, thecompanys product range encompasses more than 40 highlysuccessful and critically acclaimed mobile titles, includingvarious 'Mobile Game of the Year' awards, as well as 25 onlinecasino titles.Xendex develops games based on its own IPs as well aswith leading national and international brands, including Vodafone,Coca-Cola, Disney and THQ to name but a few. In cooperation withits partners, Xendex games are distributed to more than 200 of theworld's leading mobile carriers in over 60 countries worldwide.For more information about Xendex please visitwww.xendex.com.Icy Tower boasts an active online community who shares reruns ofthe game, user generated avatars and regularly holds internationalcontests. The game has even spurred the creation of national teamsmeeting up in real life, challenging each other to master IcyTower.

The game was originally created by legendary indie developerJohan Peitz, but the IP is now owned by the Swedish game studioMuskedunder Interactive.
DESCRIPTIONIn Icy Tower, there is only one way to get up there, in the top of it so let's hurry up, as soon as it is possible and try to reach the top in no time, trying to successfully reach an amount of points, impossible to be beaten or overcome by any the other tries you will be trying in the following priod of time. There are so many platforms, to jump on in order to reach the most wanted top of the icy tower so let's start it as soon as it is possible. It is so important for you to not fall down so you must know that the platforms, start shaking and then simply vanishing themselves after a while you stand on it so let's avoid this happen. Jump either with the SPACE bar or with the up arrow key and if you don't manage to reach the upper platform, make sure that you will run faster because this way you'll increase the power of your jump. This is so important so if you waste time, you'll definitely regret it later. In the moment you fall down and die, the score stops and that it's your actual score. Try to exceed it and become better and better all the time in this jumping platforms challenge!