Subreddit of the 21:9 & 32:9 aspect ratio Join us on Discord! Please read the FAQ before posting questions Rules:Rule 1: All posts need to be vaguely connected to 21:9.Rule 2: Don't be a dick. No racism, sexism, personal insults, harassment, etc.
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Play Mirrors Edge 2D action game on The flash version of the hit game is here! Jump over obstacles and perform wild tricks as you fight enemies. Play Mirrors Edge 2D action game on The flash version of the hit game is here! Jump over obstacles and perform wild tricks as you fight enemies. Download the FOV hack for Mirror's Edge 1.0 and 1.01, using the link below. It will make the game Hor+ in TripleHead, with displaced/stretched HUD and 2D elements.
I'm currently using the ROG SWIFT PG278Q and I have been wanting to buy myself an Acer x34 for some time now, I play games, browse and watch movies most of the time. Tales of symphonia kratos costumes. The one thing keeping me from buying it however - and the more I read into it, the more the idea puts me off, is that the majority of games released today does not support 21:9 3440x1440, and I realize that you have to make due with black borders for many games, unless you can manage to tweak the settings to something usable where you have to make due with the hud streching ect, which does not sound like the ultimate gaming experience and more like a pain in the ass and detracts from the experience.How do you guys deal with that?. I'll be honest, 21:9 is amazing for its practical uses like extra screen space, and for games that should take obvious advantage of 21:9 like Minecraft and Civilization V it's great, but a lot of developers still find it unnecessary to add. For instance, a recent pet peeve is that I can't play Blizzard's new amazing game Overwatch in 21:9.
Not because they haven't added it yet, but because Blizzard has gone on record saying they feel it's cheating for an FPS.That's funny, because last I checked, CS:GO, the world's most competitive FPS, allows 21:9 on their multiplayer. So please Blizzard, explain to me how it's cheating in Overwatch, and why you decided to put it in Heroes of the Storm (MOBA), an arguably worse game to put it in if you're worried about 'cheating'.Support for 21:9 isn't widespread yet, so if you do make the jump, consider it an early adoption. That's not to say tools like doesn't exist. There are plenty of 'fixes' for 21:9 if games do not natively support it, but for the most part, many triple-A titles WILL take advantage of it.As a side note, watching movies could not be any better. Since most films these days are filmed in 21:9, you don't get those black bars anymore when you pop in a DVD or Blu-Ray. Seriously, I watch movies way more often on my PC now that I've gotten my monitor.As someone who has only had their Ultrawide for about 4 months, I can say personally, the pros outweigh the cons.
I edit videos for a living so I have much more room, the games I play support 21:9 about 80% of the time, and movies look great. I'd recommend if you're willing to take the plunge.
You want your explanation on Overwatch and it's ultrawide woes? I'll give you one.Let me give you a disclaimer first though. I own an Ultrawide and I myself would like to see 21:9 aspect ratio support in Overwatch.I'm not supporting this stance, i'm arguing in favor of it existing.I'm just saying, it is a luxury to have nebulous rules.
So when Blizzard says 21:9 could be counted as a form of cheating, you bringing up the fact that CS:GO has it is actually not that great of an argument; and i'll explain why.Let's take Starcraft 2 (a Blizzard game which does not officially support 21:9 just like Overwatch, hacking it to produce the 21:9 aspect ratio will actually get you banned online) as an example and compare it to CS:GO.Does 21:9 give you an advantage in CS:GO over players limited to 16:9/16:10? Absolutely.Does 21:9 give you an advantage in SC2 over players limited to 16:9/16:10? Hell yes.Now with that said, why does valve support it and Blizzard doesn't right now? Because it's actually a bad fucking idea for them to do it. Valve's eSport scene revolves around a LAN environment.
(just like Starcraft, but i'll get to that point in a minute) So the players have a rig setup in advance where they compete, so obviously one team/player is gonna have ultrawide while the other doesn't. Its all the same.But, this is where the nebulous 'reasons' of 21:9 being considered cheating works out for Blizzard. SC2 has an actual online ladder qualifier where they're actually paying out money and sending top ranking players to WCS. (Just like top legend hearthstone players get sent to the yearly Hearthstone tournament.)So Blizzard has to actually fucking police the ladder in SC2 to prevent hacking or allowing SC2 players to use a 21:9 aspect ratio to cheat the system by gaining an advantage. (Because hey, its online)Now what happens when down the road Blizzard implements an online qualifier that sends top ladder-ranking Overwatch players to tournaments, and let's say some of the players have been using a 21:9 resolution to gain an advantage? This is bad if Blizzard wants to turn Overwatch into an eSports event.Now does this mean they won't ever implement it?
Of course not. But they're not obliged to. Its more comfortable for them if they do it at their discretion. And don't bring up the 144hz argument. That's an actually extremely stupid comparison to the FOV/cheating argument.No TLDR; because i can't bother sifting through this small comment box. Also might have some mistakes, its late. You completely missed the point, I think he's arguing that keyboards, mice, internet and internal components of their gaming rigs will offer players with more disposable income an advantage and can't be controlled by Game Devs.He's also saying that putting caps on things like 16:9/10 aspect ratio is limiting the amount of customization that PC gamers can do, as a lot of PC Gamers are known for highly customizable rigs, setups and in game settings.
If we wanted caps put on things and control the hardware that people play games on, consoles are much better in that case. That's all he was saying. Serene, please use logic. You say they should allow 21:9 aspect ratio in SC2?
Please hear me out one last time Im gonna try and explain to you in the best way possible that you can comprehend this.My disclaimer.Let me give you a disclaimer first though. I own an Ultrawide and I myself would like to see 21:9 aspect ratio support in Overwatch. I'm not supporting this stance, i'm arguing in favor of it existing.The reason why Blizzard has a problem with 21:9 in Starcraft 2 and not other games like Diablo 3 or Heroes of the Storm is because they have a online qualifier where the best fucking players in a region compete in a ladder to get paid and sent out to tournaments by Blizzard. Thus is why there is no 21:9 aspect ratio allowed in SC2. Because competition needs to be fair, especially when.Blizzard is handing out money to host these fucking events.If you hack and make it into the top 16 and qualify for WCS, you are banned, because you are cheating. If the game doesn't allow 21:9, and you hack it and gain and advantage, leading to you qualifying for WCS, you are banned, because you are cheating.This is why there is no 21:9 in Overwatch.
They might introduce a WCS-ladder system for Overwatch.If you don't get it, then i give up. Lol ' PREASE USE LOGIC' said every 19 year old shutin ever on reddit. Gain some perspective and realize that 'logic' isn't just whatever you believe at the moment.
Have you ever played Starcraft competitively? Do you work for Blizzard? Probably not. So stop acting like you have some how deduced ( through 'logic') their reasoning behind not supporting 21:9.God your personality type is so fuckin annoying. You aren't as smart as you think you are. Maybe if you got out more you would realize that. For all you know, you could be wrong./endrant.
Serene, Starcraft II, not Starcraft I does not have 21:9 support. You google some shit and then spread even more false information.
The 21:9 support you saw is not supported by Blizzard.As for your second statement.Last time I check, Starcraft now has 21:9 support. Therefore, if they're going to introduce a WCS-ladder system, then they can allow 21:9 support. If these so called top players don't use 21:9 or refuses to, then that's their problem.You completely ignored my explanation on Blizzard (not me) do what they do. You cannot use 21:9 because that is CHEATING(Blizzard will ban you) Why is it cheating? Because the game does not support it.Edit: Btw you mention me being immature?
Where was i being immature? As far as i can tell, you won't reason to logic; so you're the immature one spouting false information about Starcraft 21:9 support.
The reason I over lace my crap with bold and italics is because if you read this thread i had to keep on clarifying on my stand point (I want Ultrawide for Overwatch but i'm stating my opinion on why it does NOT exist.)So I'm not gonna argue any of your points, I'll just say that banning one peripheral for an advantage but not others is silly. Like he said, supporting 144hz and not ultrawide is silly.Watch this.People ladder in SC2 to get sent to WCS. You think the top competitors use 144hz? Some probably do. But imagine if 21:9 was available in SC2. You could spot all-ins and timing attacks much faster/easier than the average 16:9 user.Imagine that in Overwatch, where someone has drastically much more viewing angles that the average person. That and they're competing within a Overwatch 'ladder' for 'WCS'.
That would be unfair. Is 144hz unfair too? Probably, but it still requires reflexes to execute; its not as damning as being able to see 200 degrees around and spot everything. Honestly, they're just not working hard enough on it then. CS:GO's solution for example is that they have a constrained vertical FoV for all aspect ratios, and a horizontal FoV based on the vertical one. They also don't allow you to change it manually.If you do it in this way it negates any advantage that 21:9 might have.
At worst, you'll be comparing a FoV of like 100 for 16:9 and 105 for 21:9. Blizzard chose to not go this route and instead called it cheating. The blame is still on them in my opinion.