Look no further than Kratos from Tales of Symphonia. This is a rather large piece at 17in X 15 in. The wings and his suit are made out of iridescent glass that will give it an angelic feel. It comes with a sturdy chain to hang it from above any window to show off those bright colors. Each piece is handmade and we can change details to make it.
Tales of Symphonia - Boss FAQ Tales of Symphonia Boss FAQBoss Guide Version: 1.16Created by: Andrea Petriella (e-mail: gsninja@yahoo.com)Version Date: ContentsA. Version historyC. Boss DetailsD. Clumsy Assassin/Guardian Wind6.
Resolute Assassin/Guardian Lightning12. Kvar/Energy Stones13. Fairess/Yutis/Sephie (Sylph)16. Defense System23.
Winged Dragon/Baby Dragons26. Zelos or Gatekeeper/Angel Swordsmen36. The Fugitive/The Judged/The Neglected41.
Mithos (Part 1)42. Mithos (Part 2)F. Extra Bosses1. Sword Dancer (First Battle)2.
Sword Dancer (Second Battle)3. Sword Dancer (Third Battle)4. Garr, Farah Oersted, Meredy8. Legal NotesI.
Thanks-Introduction-This is a guide to the excellent RPG 'Tales of Symphonia', created by Namco.Since this is a guide specifically to the game's many bosses, it will go as in-depth as possible on that specific topic. Also, this FAQ is for the Normalmode. So, if you want to know how to beat a boss for 'Tales of Symphonia',here are my strategies. What to look forward to:1. Maybe some extra things-Version History-August 27, 2006I put the introduction and the beginning parts together. I completed thestrategies for all the bosses up until Iubaris.-August 28, 2006Yay, my second day writing this FAQ! I did strategies up to Volt.September 20, 2006Wow, talk about lazy.:P School started on August 30, and I've been forgettingabout this FAQ until now.
Strategies up to Shadow now.September 21, 2006I plan to finish this FAQ after several more days. I've completed up to thebattle with Pronyma in the Tower of Salvation.September 22, 2006Finished up to Mithos (Part 1). I'm most definitely gonna finish this FAQbefore this month ends. September 30, 2006Finished all the strategies for the non-optional bosses. Put together theLegal Notes and Thanks.November 28, 2006 - Version 1.0I added the strategies in the 'Extra Bosses' category.
This is the firstversion to go up on GameFAQS. Expect updates sometime.;)December 5, 2006 - Version 1.13I added the FAQ section of the walkthrough. I also fixed some spelling errorsand added some more info on Abyssion.December 8, 2006 - Version 1.15I added SuperCheats and Neoseekers to my Thanks list, since they accepted myFAQ to their websites. -Boss Details-This is how the whole format of the stats and whatnot of the bosses is like:Boss Name: Name of the boss.Location: Where the boss is found.Hit Points (HP): The amount of health the boss has. Once it depletes to 0,he/she/it will be defeated.Tech Points (TP): The amount of points the boss has available to use Techs.Weakness (W): Any weakness to any element.Resistance (R): Any Resistance from any element.Experience (EXP): The amount of experience (EXP) gained.Gald: The amount of money gained.Item(s) Found: Any item the boss drops after battle.Strategy: Simply put, my strategy.;)-Basics-This section is dedicated to the basic things I did for these bosses:-Once you acquire the Sword Rain techs with Lloyd, you'll want to use themconstantly.
They're a great way of knocking bosses out of their attacks.-Raine is the party's backbone. She has incredible healing spells and greatsupport skills. Don't go into a boss fight without her, except for very fewcases.-Genis is excellent for exploiting weaknesses, so he's a good choice for aparty member. His magic is powerful, and he's the only pure magic caster inthe game. When he runs out of TP, NEVER let him run up to enemies and hitthem. He will most likely die if he does that, especially in boss battles.-In boss battles with multiple enemies, separate them and defeat them one byone instead of en masse. With those multiple enemy boss battles that have thelayout of the main boss with his/her/its underlings, kill the underlings first.-Bosses-1.
Name: VidaarLocation: Martel TempleHP: 4000TP: 30W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 115Gald: 25Item(s) found: Life BottleFor the first boss of the game, he's pretty damn powerful, so you have twooptions: Either stand back and throw Demon Fangs until you run out of TP, oryou can directly confront the boss. If you're good at blocking, I suggestconfronting the boss.
Use a Tetra Slash combo against him, and then block hisretaliation.Vidaar has three weapons, and therefore has three attacks: 1) He swings hissword in the air, trying to knock you up. 2) He smashes his hammer down uponyou, and 3) He swings his mace at you, knocking you back. They aren't thatdangerous if you block them.After a little bit through the battle, a cut scene comes.
Lloyd, Genis, andColette are weakening against Vidaar, but as Vidaar was about to hit you withhis mace, a mysterious warrior hits Vidaar away and tells you to move out ofthe way. The battle commences after that. This mysterious fighter is totallyawesome. He's more powerful than Lloyd, and he has a healing ability, FirstAid.
This is when you want to definitely go close combat on Vidaar's ass. Genis should keep casting Fireball or whatever on Vidaar, and Coletteshould stick to Ray Thrust to avoid Vidaar's attacks. However, when themystery man joins your party, Vidaar gains a devastating attack in which heslams down his hammer REALLY hard and guard breaks you, no matter what.Overall, with the mystery man in your party, this fight becomes very easy.2.
Name: ExbeluaLocation: Iselia VillageHP: 5000TP: 38W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 280Gald: 320Item(s) Found: Panacea BottleEven though you only have Lloyd and Genis for this battle, it's not terriblydifficult.Exbelua's attacks aren't that numerous. One is Impact Hammer, which Exbeluaslams its arm on the ground, creating two little shockwaves that damage. Onthe next one, Exbelua swings its arm upwards, knocking you up in the air ifyou aren't blocking. Lastly, there's its most powerful attack, Insane Cell.Exbelua grabs its head as though in pain and creates a dark shockwave aroundit that hits for a lot of.hits.
This attack is dangerous and you shouldblock or back step from it.As Lloyd, rush in and go combo crazy on Exbelua, blocking its retaliationafter every combo. Genis should constantly cast magic.
Once Genis runs out ofTP, use an Orange Gel right away on him. You don't want him running to Exbeluaand hitting it with normal attacks, which endangers him greatly. Basically,you should just keep Exbelua occupied, causing a lot of damage while keepingit away from Genis.3. Name: BottaLocation: Sylvarant BaseHP: 4200TP: 224W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 475Gald: 1500Item(s) found: Poison CharmBotta's really fun, and he's your first somewhat challenging opponent, as heuses physical attacks and magic, is powerful, and, unlike the last two bosses,is rather fast.
First, his attacks:His first attack is a basic attack with his sword, not that dangerous. Secondis a spin attack with his sword that knocks you back.
Third is Brick Break,when he spins his sword once in the air, and then sticks it into the ground,causing rocks to hit the target, causing multiple hits of damage. Then,there're the two magic attacks. One is Fireball, which Genis already has, andthe other is Stalagmite. Stalagmite is very dangerous, and if aimed at Genisand Colette, it might KO them if they're even barely below half HP. It'scrucial to avoid this attack at the best of your abilities. Lastly, Botta alsogoes into Overlimit, in which a dark cloud forms around him.
He'll take lessdamage and won't stagger.Now, this is how to beat him. First off, beat the two Foot Soldiers he haswith him.
That way, they won't interrupt your assault against Botta himself.With them out of the way, the battle becomes a bit easier. Attack Botta, andthen guard against his retaliation. Try the best you can to avoid his magic.Command Kratos to heal the characters that are half HP or below, so that theycan be safer.
Use Apple/Orange Gels and Life Bottles, if necessary, to keepthe party in tip-top shape. Genis should keep casting magic from a distance,and Colette should mainly stick to her mid-range techs. Botta will go downafter a while.4.
Name: KtugachLocation: Triet Ruins-Seal RoomHP: 5000TP: 50W: Water and IceR: fireEXP: 628Gald: 85Item(s) found: Red QuartzName: Ktugachling (x2)HP: 1500TP: 180W: Water and IceR: FireEXP: 60Gald: 15Item(s) found: NoneThis is your first battle against creatures of an elemental type. Since thisis a battle to release a seal, Colette has to be in the party. Therefore, Isuggest the party to consist of Lloyd, Colette, Genis, and Kratos. Raine stillonly has First Aid at this point, and since Kratos has more HP and can do gooddamage, leave Raine out.The Ktugach only has one physical attacks and 1 magical attack. Its physicalattack is the Ktugach sticking the top of its head towards you and shooting abunch of spikes, causing multiple hits of damage. It's not that bad, but blockit anyways.
Its other attack is Eruption, Fireball's upgrade. The moment yousee the circle of Eruption under you, use Guardian right away (the tech Kratosgave you before entering the ruins). It's your only hope of guarding againstthe attack. The Ktugachlings only have Fireball as an attack.One of the reasons this battle is pretty easy is because the enemies have verylittle attacks at their disposal.
Naturally, go after the Ktugachlings firstbefore focusing on the Ktugach. Have Lloyd go combo crazy, Kratos attack andheal, Genis cast Aqua Edge and Icicle, NOT Fireball, and have Colette doanything. You can still be severely hurt if you don't block the Ktugach'sphysical attack and Eruption.5. Name: Clumsy AssassinLocation: Ossa TrailHP: 1800TP: 131W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 200Gald: 128Item(s) found: Holy BottleName: Guardian-WindHP: 2000TP: 400W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 250Gald: 250Item(s) found: Magic LensThis battle is very easy overall. The Clumsy Assassin is weaker than herGuardian-Wind, so focus your attacks on her first before turning on theguardian.The Clumsy Assassin's normal physical attack combo is almost as fast asLloyd's, so you want to take a little caution for that. Her special attack isPyre Seal, which uses her cards and energy to blow you away and knock youdown. Those are about the only things to mention about her attacks.
Guardian-Wind only has a couple physical attacks, one in which it hits you in the air.It attacks as fast as Sheena's.Go in with a party of Lloyd, Colette, Raine, and Kratos. Despite the 'Wind' inthe guardian's name, it has no resistance to Wind or anything. Although theClumsy Assassin's stats are lower than the Guardian-Wind's, she's potentiallymore dangerous, so knock her out quickly. Kratos and Raine have the healingcovered very well, so you shouldn't worry too much about your HP.
Colette'sAngel Feathers does a good amount of damage, so use it. Use Tiger Blade andTempest on the Guardian, as it hovers a little above the ground. You shouldn'thave any problems with this pathetic battle.6. Name: MagniusLocation: Palmacosta Human RanchHP: 8500TP: 120W: NoneR: FireEXP: 675Gald: 1700Item(s) found: Warrior Symbol, EX Gem Lv1Although tougher than Botta, Magnius can still be handled well if you pourattacks on him constantly and heal frequently. Despite this, he has more thantwice the attack power of Botta and roughly twice as much defense.Coupled with his good attack power are several powerful moves.
One is thefamiliar Beast tech, Lloyd's powerful knock-back move, which he uses quite abit. Another attack of his occurs when Magnius lifts one of your characters inthe air, then causes an explosion with his hand that blows the character away.Be careful of this one, as it has a good damage potential. Third is HellHound, when Magnius sticks out his arm, then causes an explosion, knocking thetaget away. The magic attacks are Eruption and Flame Lance.
With Flame Lance,a ball of fire hits the target, then explodes. This is probably Magnius' mostpowerful attack. It can be avoided, though.That being said, I recommend Lloyd, Genis, Raine, and Kratos. This is alsoyour first boss battle with Unison Attacks, so utilize that as soon aspossible. Two powerful Compound Unison Attacks are Lightning Tiger and PhotonTempest. Eliminate the two Desian underlings before focusing on the GrandCardinal himself. Make sure Genis uses anything but Fireball and Eruption, andthe same goes for Kratos.
Lloyd and Kratos should go combo + Tetra Slash onMagnius' ass. Raine and Kratos should heal frequently to keep the characters'HP high.
Eventually, Magnius shall fall.7. Name: KiliaLocation: Palmacosta-Government BuildingHP: 10000TP: 400W: LightR: DarkEXP: 500Gald: 500Item(s) found: Heal BraceletUnlike Magnius, Kilia is easy. Even though she has 1500 more HP than him,she's almost a joke compared to Magnius.The only attack to mention is Acid Rain, which lowers the Defense of allenemies in the area. The rest of her moves are normal physical strikes.Go with Lloyd, Colette, Raine, and Kratos.
Photon, Angel Feathers, and thePhoton Tempest moves will wreak havoc upon Kilia. Lloyd and Kratos will haveno problem holding Kilia away from Colette and Raine. Once half her HP isgone, she sprouts wings and a tail, and hovers above the ground.
She doesn'tbecome any harder, so don't worry.8. Name: AdulociaLocaton: Thoda Geyser-Seal RoomHP: 10000TP: 248W: LightningR: Water, IceEXP: 825Gald: 765Item(s) found: Mermaid's TearName: Amphitra (x2)HP: 2300TP: 120W: Fire, LightningR: Water, IceEXP: 150Gald: 200Item(s) found: NoneFirst, let's start with the move sets of the enemies. The Adulocia has onespecial move, in which it fires a bunch of bubbles at a single target. Thismove can do a lot of damage, so block it. The magic attack it has is Spread,the water geyser move that's Aqua Edge's upgrade. It's also powerful, socareful. The Amphitras have no special moves, only physical attacks.Naturally, you want to take out the Amphitras first.
Use a party of Lloyd,Colette, Genis and Raine/Kratos. Command Genis to use Fire and Lightning techson the two Amphitras, then use only Lightning techs against the Adulocia.Lightning Tiger works very well here. Have Colette cast Angel Feathers, Geniscast lightning magic, Lloyd combo +Tetra Slash, and Raine cast FirstAid/Nurse. It's not too difficult to win this battle.9. Name: WindmasterLocation: Asgard RuinsHP: 10000TP: 220W: NoneR: WindEXP: 1325Gald: 800Item(s) found: Map of Balacruf, TalismanThe Windmaster has one special attack. The Windmaster spins towards thetarget, swinging the scythe attached to it's lower section. This move is morepowerful than the Adulocia's bubbles, so be more careful.
The magic attack isWind Blade, which isn't really anything to worry about.Use a party of Lloyd, Genis, Raine, and Kratos. Lloyd should do his typicalcombo + Tetra Slash, Genis should cast anything but Wind magic, Raine shouldheal, and Kratos should do what Lloyd and Raine do: attack and heal. Thisbattle really isn't any harder than the Adulocia/Amphitra battle.10. Name: IapyxLocation: Balacruf Mausoleum-Seal RoomHP: 14000TP: 88W: NoneR: Wind, LightningEXP: 1324Gald: 2000Item(s) found: Paralysis Charm, Spirit BangleIapyx has two special attacks: Attack Feather and React Feather. AttackFeather allows Iapyx to shoot a bunch of feathers at the target.
The otherone, React Feather, is Iapyx shooting feathers twice in a row. React Featheris used mostly near the end of the battle. The magic tech is Air Thrust, WindBlade's upgraded form.The annoying aspect of Iapyx is that it's a little difficult to knock him outof attacks without help.
Use Lloyd, Colette, Raine and Kratos for this battle.Have Lloyd do his combo + Tetra Slash thing, Colette cast Angel Feathers,Raine use First Aid/Nurse, and Kratos attack and heal. Have Lloyd work inconjunction with Colette's Angel Feathers or Kratos' physical strikes to knockIapyx off balance more often. Since Iapyx hovers a bit off the ground, TigerBlade and Tempest techs work well. Iapyx is a little annoying with its feathershooting, and its Air Thrust, but as long as you do the usual: keep everyonenear max HP, heal TP, block, etc., then you'll win.11.
Name: Resolute Assassin (Sheena Fujibayashi)Location: Balacruf MausoleumHP: 4500TP: 164W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 300Gald: 450Item(s) found: Dark BottleName: Guardian-LightningHP: 5000TP: 400W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 250Gald: 250Item(s) found: Fine Pellets, Magic LensSheena and her Guardian are back for a rematch!:O Still, this battle is aseasy as it was at the Ossa Trail, and the move sets of the two haven'tchanged. Use Lloyd, Genis, Raine, and Kratos. Use the same strategy as you didthe last time you fought these two, and you won't have a problem.12. Name: KvarLocation: Asgard Human RanchHP: 10000TP: 340W: NoneR: LightningEXP: 1680Gald: 1500Item(s) found: Holy Ring, EX Gem Lv1Name: Energy Stone (x3)HP: 5500TP: 100W: NoneR: Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Lighting, Ice, Light, DarkEXP: 300Gald: 765Item(s) found: NoneKvar's physical strike is always followed with a Lightning strike, so backsteponce Kvar hits you. His one special attack is Lightning Strike, which is astream of 3-4 Lightning strikes aimed at the target. The magic techs areLightning spell itself and Spark Wave, one of Lightning's variations.
Thistech inflicts lots of hits, and does decent damage. The Energy Stones' onlyattack is to charge into you slowly while hitting you multiple times with alightning shield.The Energy Stones are a pretty bad pain in the butt, and you only have 3characters in this battle.
Go into this battle with Lloyd, Genis, and Kratos.Lloyd should work on picking the energy Stones off one by one until they'reall gone, then focus on the second Grand Cardinal. Genis will have troubledoing damage to the Energy Stones. Aside from that, have him cast anything butLightning magic.
Kratos should, of course, work between helping Lloyd andhealing the party. Lloyd does a good job in this battle against the EnergyStones and Kvar. Just be careful of the Lightning Strike and Spark Wave moves.13. Name: IubarisLocation: Tower of Mana-Seal RoomHP: 16800TP: 1500W: DarkR: Fire, Lightning, LightEXP: 2650Gald: 2500Item(s) found: BrassIubaris is a powerful creature with a couple knockback attacks. Its onespecial attack is that it summons a black portal behind it, from which severalcavaliers charge through and ram through your characters.
It's magic tech isPhoton.Use Lloyd, Colette, Raine, and Kratos for this battle. Lloyd and Kratos mightface a little trouble from Iubaris' charge attack that sends the targethalfway across the stage. Don't use Compound Unison attacks like LightningTiger, Photon Tempest, or Fiery Beast, as they won't do much. Pow Blade orCross Thrust would work just fine.
Lloyd should do fine preoccupying Iubariswith techs such as Sword Rain, Beast, and Tiger Blade. Colette's only good forHoly Song, so let her use that.
Raine should heal, and Kratos should heal andattack. Since Iubaris' weakness is Dark, the only way to do super effectivedamage is to use a Black Quartz on Lloyd's and/or Kratos' weapons and hackingaway. I've found that Heavy Tiger Blade will Guard Beak Iubaris every timeIubaris is blocking. It will fall, one time or another.14. Name: UndineLocation: Thoda Geyser-Seal RoomHP: 18000TP: 320W: NoneR: Water, IceEXP: 2110Gald: 765Item(s) dropped: Guardian SymbolThis is your first Summon Spirit battle.
Undine has no special attacks. Shehas two magic attacks: Aqua Edge and Spread. Being a Summon Spirit, her Spreadreally hurts, so Guardian, etc. Against that.During Summon Spirit battles, Sheena must be in the party.
So.in thisbattle, use Lloyd, Sheena, Raine, and Kratos. Undine's sword strikes and quickmagic casting will totally beat down on your characters that are fighting atmelee range.
She just gets faster at half HP and below. Make sure Raine andKratos do their duties as healers. Lloyd should try to use Tetra Slash comboswith Sword Rain to stun and knock Undine out of as many attacks as possible.Sheena should do what Lloyd does and Tetra Slash combo with some of her moves.Since she doesn't have as good a damage potential as Lloyd, she will do lessdamage, but enough to help.15. Name: Fairess/Yutis/Sephie (Sylph)Location: Balacruf MausoleumHP: 6190/6480/7320 (0/13000)TP: 250/80/220W: NoneR: WindEXP: 690/770/880Gald: 285/290/320Item(s) dropped: Saffron/Sage/SavoryThe Sylph Summon Spirit consists of three fairies.
Sephie, who wields a sword,is very strong and is the quickest of the three. She attacks your characterswith furious sword slashes and the Wind Blade spell. Yutis, who uses a bow,constantly warps around the field, annoying and interrupting the party withher arrows.
Finally, there's Fairess, who attacks with a shield. Although shehas the least HP and gives less EXP and Gald then the other two, she's thestrongest and has the most defense.Use Lloyd, Sheena, Raine, and Kratos. Go after Sephie first. She's the mostfrequent attacker, she'll probably cause the most damage, and she'll interruptattacks a lot. Just pummel her, while guarding against her fast sword attacks.Once she's down, go for Yutis. As I said before, her bow attacks can getreally annoying, due to the fact that she'll interrupt a lot of your attacks.It also doesn't help that she warps around the battlefield half the time.
Onceshe's KO'd, Fairess will be your last target. Fairess doesn't physicallyattack too frequently, but she casts Wind Blade and Air Thrust a lot, so useyour defense techs to guards against them. You might have trouble healing dueto all the interruptions, but by taking the Sylphs down one by one, you'llpull through just fine.NOTE: If you wait until after you visit Tethe'alla to fight Sylph, their HPwill nearly double, so fight them before going to the Tower of Salvation forthe first time.16. Name: EfreetLocation: Triet ruins-Seal RoomHP: 18000 (30000)TP: 850W: NoneR: FireEXP: 2430Gald: 945Item(s) found: Attack SymbolEfreet is a powerful summon spirit. As a melee character, you should treadlightly around Efreet. He has one special attack.
It's similar to Magnius'lifting you in the air and causing an explosion. Efreet's version causes atleast 3 explosions. His two magic techs are Eruption and Explosion. BE VERYCAREFUL OF THIS MOVE! Explosion is the most powerful Fire spell in the entiregame, and it'll take a big chunk of your HP if you don't use a defense techagainst it.Go in with Lloyd, Sheena, Raine, and Kratos. Use Lloyd and keep Efreet aspreoccupied as you can, with Sheena helping you. Raine should constantly heal,just in case one of your characters gets severaly wounded my Explosion.
Kratosshould probably take a better healing stance than attacking, as Efreet willprobably do a lot of damage. Watching your characters' health points iscrucial to surviving. Howver, if you manage to guard and Guardian all ofEfreet's attacks, then you won't be too troubled.NOTE: Like Sylph, if you wait until after you've visited Tethe'alla, Efreet'sHP will increase by a decent bit.17. Name: RemielLocation: Tower of SalvationHP: 16000TP: 258W: NoneR: LightEXP: 2795Gald: 1840Item(s) found: Rune Bottle, EX Gem Lv1Wow, now you have to fight Remiel.
Remiel's basic attack is shooting a couplelight arrows from a distance and swinging his hand at you, knocking you on theground. He uses two magic attacks: Photon and Holy Lance. Holy Lance targets asingle character and is pretty powerful, so watch out for that.Since Lloyd, Genis, Sheena, and Raine were thee only ones not excluded fromthe party, you'll have to fight with them.
Aside from Photon, every otherspell will work on him fine. Fiery Beast is a great Compound Unison; Remielhas no resistance to Fire and it does nice damage.
Basically, what you want todo is confront Remiel with physical attacks and Techs from Lloyd and Sheenawhile Genis casts a lot of magic Techs from the back. Even though Photon won'tdo much damage, it can stun Remiel when he's about to attack you, leaving himopen for an assault. Raine should mostly cast Nurse to keep the party's HPabove 50% to keep them out of danger. Although he might be a bit powerful,Remiel isn't all that hard, considering what the next battle's like. Cook up agood recipe after this, because this next battle's intense.18.
Name: KratosLocation: Tower of SalvationHP: 22500TP: 1500W: NoneR: LightEXP: 3280Gald: 2900Item(s) found: Life Bottle, EX Gem Lv3NOOOOO!!! Why do we have to fight Kratos?;; He's my favorite character! But,there's nothing you can do about it. I actually loved this battle.
Kratosattacks you fast and hard, and pretty much never stops attacking. His techsinclude Light Spear, Victory Light Spear, Lightning Blade, Super LightningBlade, Double Demon Fang, and Fierce Demon Fang, and he loves to Tetra Slashcombo you. His Magic attacks are Thunder Blade, Air thrust, and Grave.Now that you know his attacks, be prepared for an intense battle. As Lloyd,you'll be blocking at least half the time from Kratos' relentless assault.Sheena won't be blocking so much, so if she drops in the red HP zone, pullback and use an Apple Gel or a Lemon Gel on her. If Sheena goes intoOverlimit, make sure she has over 100 TP, and make her summon Efreet. Efreetis a very powerful summon, and it'll knock off a good chunk of Kratos' HP.Fiery Beast is still great here.
The thing about Kratos is that he'll attackeveryone more than any other boss that came before. Even though you'repreoccupying him with Lloyd and Sheena, he might run past you and devastateGenis and Raine.
He'll also cast magic at them, so be prepared to use a lot ofgels in this battle. Once again, Photon is a key to knock Kratos out of one ofhis attacks and leave him wide open for a good combo by Lloyd. Once he dropsbelow half HP, however, he'll cast his magic techs VERY quickly, as though heneeds no time to cast them. Once again, blocking is a very important conceptin this battle, since Kratos never stops attacking unless he's stunned.
One ofthe worst parts is that he can go into Overlimit. Once he does, break off fromall attacking and block him until his Overlimit goes away.Even if you don't win this battle, the storyline continues nonetheless.However, it would be in your best interest to win, for the experience, Gald,and items.19.
Name: PronymaLocation: Fooji MountainsHP: 18000TP: 750W: LightR: DarkEXP: 3000Gald: 1500Item(s) found: Rosemary, EX Gem Lv2Oh, geez. For being the leader of the Desian Five Grand Cardinals, she's eveneasier than Remiel!.- Her special attacks are Leonazium and Agarazium.Leonazium is Pronyma's equivalent of Beast, except that its range is a littlebit longer than Lloyd's tech. Agarazium is a tech in which rings of magic popupwards from under the target and knocks him or her into the air. Her magicattacks are Bloody Lance, the dark equivalent of Holy Lance, Dark Sphere, thedark equivalent of Photon, Acid Rain, Aqua Laser, Spread, and her mostpowerful attack, Prism Sword, which is when a bunch of swords crash down ontothe target, finishing with a big, central sword that causes an explosion.Ironically, it's a Light spell, which is what Pronyma's weak against. She haslots of magic, as you can see.Go into this battle with Lloyd, Colette, Raine, and Zelos. Since Pronyma'sweak against Light, Colette's and Raine's Light affinity spells will hitPronyma, hard.
Photon Tempest is awesome here. So, command Colette to usenothing but Angel Feathers and Judgment. Raine should alternate between Photonand healing. Zelos should assume Kratos' role, attack and heal.
Lloyd shouldjust run in there and smash Pronyma. He'll be guarding a lot, though, asPronyma will most likely focus on him the most. Lastly, Pronyma goes intoOverlimit, so pull back and guard until she exits it. All in all, easier thanRemiel, partly due to her weakness to Light.20. Name: Convicts (x3)Location: Meltokio SewerHP: 6300TP: 300W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 300Gald: 150Item(s) found: NoneThis battle's as easy as the battles with Sheena and her guardians. They haveno special attacks or magic whatsoever, only simple club swinging attacks.Just beat them up as quickly as possible using anyone you want.21.
Name: ConvictLocation: Gaoracchia ForestHP: 12000TP: 320W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 2250Gald: 1500Item(s) found: ElixerEven though the Convict has a couple techs like Eagle Dive, he isn't muchharder than the Convicts in the sewer. The only thing you need to watch outfor is him going into Overlimit. Other than that, use any characters you wantand beat him up.22. Name: Defense SystemLocation: Toize Valley MineHP: 12000TP: 100W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 2350Gald: 0Item(s) found: Metal Sphere, Mythril (x4) (Guard Arms)The Defense System itself doesn't attack at all.
It's actually protected bythree things: The first thing is the Auto Repair Unit (5500 HP), which, whilefunctioning, lowers the amount of damage the Defense System takes by half orless. Second are the Orbits (3000 HP each), which are the two black lasershooters that.shoot lasers at you. Third, and last, are the four Guard Arms(8000 HP each), which lie above the Defense System, trying to interrupt you.It doesn't really matter who goes into this battle, as long as you at leastinclude Lloyd and Raine. The first thing you want to focus on is the AutoRepair Unit. Once you get that out of the way, the Defense System takes normaldamage.
After that, take out the two Orbits so that they don't interrupt yourcharacters from attacking and healing. After that, assault the Defense System.Ignore the Guard Arms, as they aren't that distractive, and just pound theDefense System until it's defeated. Note that the Auto Repair Unit will comeback if you take too long. If it does, destroy it again, then keep hitting theDefense System.23. Name: VoltLocation: Temple of Lightning-Seal RoomHP: 24000TP: 240W: NoneR: LightningEXP: 3580Gald: 2800Item(s) found: Emerald RingTime to pay Volt back for what he did to Mizuho. His basic attack isa move called Strike, a move that sends a stream of lightning towards thetarget.
It can be blocked. When Volt's HP gets to its half point, it'll startusing another move, Cardinal Strike, more often. This move is basically a 4-way Strike move; that means it goes up, down, left, and right. The lastspecial attack Volt has is impossible to block: it creates a magic circlearound it, and after a couple seconds after it's formed, it inflicts many hitsupon whoever is trapped inside it.
Its two magic attacks are Thunder Blade andSpark Wave.Go into this battle with Lloyd, Sheena, Raine, and Zelos/Genis. Make sureZelos or Genis aren't casting any lightning spells on Volt. Volt tends tofocus on characters at melee range, so Raine and Zelos are safe for the mostpart when they're healing. Lloyd does a good job preoccupying Volt, and he hasenough HP to sustain Volt's relentless assault. Sheena might not be toofortunate.
Since she isn't totally melee material like Lloyd, she'll probablybe in danger more often than your other characters, since she'll be fightingalongside Lloyd, so focus a lot on her HP. If Genis is in your party, hisspells are pretty powerful at this point, so he's good to have here, as longas he isn't casting lightning spells. Zelos is good for a support character.Volt goes into Overlimit, so careful of that.24. Name: YuanLocation: Tethe'alla BaseHP: 16000TP: 652W: NoneR: LightningEXP: 4890Gald: 3150Item(s) found: EX Gem Lv4Name: BottaHP: 12000TP: 580W: NoneR: EarthEXP: 1680Gald: 2800Item(s) found: NoneYuan, the leader of the Renegades himself, now wants to kick your assalongside Botta. Syberia 3 free download. Fortunately, you won't let them do that, would you?:PNonetheless, this will be the first time you'll be attacked so aggressivelysince Kratos.Yuan uses a dual-bladed staff and attacks with broad and frequent chops.
Hisone special attack is Thunder Explosion: Yuan jumps in the air, then slamsdown with his staff, causing a ranged explosion of thunder. He starts usingthis attack a lot when he hits half HP. His three magic attacks are ThunderBlade, Spark Wave, and Indignation.
Indignation.THIS is a move you betterlook out for. Probably more powerful than Explosion, if it isn't guardedagainst, it could take at least a third of Lloyd's HP, which is a lot.However, it takes several seconds to detonate and cause damage, so it givesyou enough time to guard against.Botta hasn't really changed much besides his HP and TP. He ditches Fireball inthis battle. He now has a nifty 2-3 hit basic combo, and the strongest Earthspell, Ground Dasher. Better be careful, because this move inflicts lots ofhits and lots of damage if not guarded. As dangerous as Explosion, it's alsoincredibly difficult to guard the whole spell.So.go into this battle with Lloyd, Genis, Raine, and Zelos.
It's a prettygood idea to have two healers, considering the amount of damage these guys dotogether. PRISM STARS FOR THE WIN!!! This Compound Unison will be one of thekeys to cause substantial damage to this duo. Go after Botta first, since he'sthe weakest. Although this allows Yuan to go all freaky upon everyone else,ignore that unless your other party members' HP get in the red zone.
Botta'snot hard to put down, and once he's out of the way, time to beat Yuan up. Forsome reason, Yuan LOVES to interrupt healers, and he'll go after Raine a lot.Lloyd should use Sword Rain techs constantly to knock Yuan off from hisattacks. I think Yuan can go into Overlimit too. With Botta out of the way,your party will take noticeably less damage, since you're there to help keepYuan at bay.:)25. Name: Winged DragonLocation: Dragon's NestHP: 18000TP: 400W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 2450Gald: 1200Item(s) found: Venom, Flare CapeName: Baby Dragon (x2)HP: 12000TP: 800W: NoneR: NoneEXP: 1250Gald: 500Item(s) found: NoneArgh! This is arguably the most annoying battle in this game, all because ofthe Baby Dragons. There is always something attacking you, and your healer(s)will be interrupted constantly.The Winged Dragon only has one special attack, which is called Nest Crack.It's basically the dragon version of Ground Dasher, except that it's not amagical attack.
Because it isn't a magical attack, you can block it without adefensive tech. The Baby Dragons have no special attacks or magic, but theydon't need them. They're always on top of you, whipping up whirlwinds, blowingfireballs at you, and jabbing at you with their faces.Melee is the way to go here. Lloyd, Raine, and Zelos are a must.
For yourfourth member, use either Presea, Regal, or Sheena. Have Raine spam Nursethroughout the battle, because you'll always be taking damage. Normally Iwould say focus on the enemies one by one, but not now. Have Lloyd focus onone Baby Dragon, and your other melee character on the other.
Leave the WingedDragon alone for now, and focus on killing the babies first. Ironically, foras much as the battle is annoying at first, once one Baby Dragon is killed,the battle actually becomes much easier. So.once one is killed, it's smoothsailing from then on. The Winged Dragon is easy once it's alone.26. Name: GnomeLocation: Temple of Earth-Seal RoomHP: 28000TP: 682W: NoneR: EarthEXP: 5890Gald: 4280Item(s) found: Holy SymbolGnome is one freaky looking Summon Spirit, with the spinning red bow and all.He's also the only non-polite Summon Spirit.Now, for his attacks. He uses a shovel, which is kinda dumb, but it stillhurts if you don't block his basic attack with it.
He has two special attacks:one is when he jumps up in the air and lands on his target, knocking him orher down. Easily noticed and easily blocked. For his second one, Gnome divesforwards into the ground, driving himself forwards and inflicting multiplehits of damage to his target.
He has three magic attacks: Stone Blast,Stalagmite, and Ground Dasher. Of course, guard against the Ground Dasherbefore Gnome screws you over with it.Go into this battle with Lloyd, Genis, Sheena, and Raine. You only need onehealer for this battle, since there will be most likely only two characters atmost sustaining any large amount of damage.
Although Gnome has no weakness toWind, it still does a bit more damage than the other elements anyways. Onceagain, have Lloyd and Sheena combo together to knock Gnome out of his attacks,have Genis cast Air Thrust or Cyclone, and Raine heal.
Generally, this is aneasy Summon Spirit battle, since Gnome doesn't bother your healer too much,and he hardly ever goes into Overlimit.27. Name: CelsiusLocation: Temple of Ice-Seal RoomHP: 18000TP: 600W: FireR: Water, IceEXP: 5120Gald: 5800Item(s) found: Spirit SymbolName: FenrirHP: 12000TP: 300W: Fire, LightningR: Water, IceEXP: 2600Gald: 1380Item(s) found: Blue QuartzWheeee, a Summon Spirit with an elemental weakness! This battle would be waytoo simple if Celsius was alone, so she brought her pet wolf Fenrir. Althoughher HP is rather low at this stage of the game, her attacks can still hurt.Celsius is, simply put, a melee fighter with a couple magic attacks. Her twospecial techs are: 1) Beast (Wow, the melee enemies love stealing this fromLloyd.
ByFandoms:.24 May 2019 Tags.Summary“I haven’t seen my children in a hundred years,” she whispers, voice full of a deep longing. “I haven’t seen your mother in that long, either.”Lloyd smirks. “And what makes you think you’ll see any of them again?” he asks.All of his proud fire is blown out by Miang’s smile—too knowing; all teeth—and the words that follow it.“Because they’ll come for you,' she says.
“Won’t they?” Series.Part 6 ofLanguage: English Words: 55,236 Chapters: 20/20 Comments: Kudos: Hits: 403. ByFandoms:.07 Jul 2018 Tags.Summary'The Mithos we knew is long dead!' Kratos faces Yuan, at the Tower of Salvation.